
  1. polyppal

    What qualities do you view as being most important in Reefing?

    Just an interesting thought I had, what qualities would you view as being most important in Reefing? I know its a tough choice, but you can only select your top 3 options in the poll! Will be interesting to see with some data what we view as being most important! Equipment (Quality...
  2. MnFish1

    What makes an aquarium 'safe' to add 'difficult' inhabitants

    So - I keep hearing one needs to do x, y, z before adding (insert difficult to keep coral or fish here). I wanted to see what everyone thinks is the MOST important thing. I've heard every one of the choices below - so I'm interested in what everyone thinks. If you have another factor that you...
  3. Haubfather07

    Build Thread HaubFather's First Reef (build + fails STORY)

    Well, I'm going to do what I understand it to be popular to do these days and document the steps of my first reef build.. While writing this, I have my first 2 Spot Tail Bennies, 4 snails (2X Trochus and 2X Nassarius), a Peppermint shrimp and 2 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs in the tank. In an effort to...
  4. nautical_nathaniel

    Success with Fluconazole - Nano Reef Edition

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to share my successes with treating my aquarium with fluconazole to absolutely get rid of bryopsis, hopefully to the point it never comes back in full force. I tried lawnmower blennies, emerald crabs, scarlet leg hermits, turbo snails, and lowering my feeding amounts...