
  1. sackles

    URCHIN help!

    Afternoon ladies and gents, I purchsed a urchin today as part of my CUC but i have a problem, "he" seems to have lodged himself in a hole in my rock and i cant get him out, common sense says he walked in he can walk out, but what if he gets stuck?
  2. L

    Help! My fish has a damaged fin, and she's not eating

    The day before yesterday, Gem got stuck on the heater... Her fins are better now, but when I was feeding them today she couldn't quite swim up to eat the flakes. The flakes float so her buoyancy when trying to eat them wasn't the best. So I gave them another portion. I thought she ate, but she...
  3. L

    Follow-up of yesterday's post

    Hey guys! So yesterday, I was asking if a fish with a dorsal fin out of the water too much time would be harmed xD The thing is, one of my fishes (Gem) got stuck between the tank heater and the wall. She's fine though! I was really worried when she was swimming badly, but her tankmates kept...
  4. FishNoob323

    Eel is stuck - cant get him out

    My white ribbon eel managed to get into the back of my bio cube. He is at the bottom of a deep narrow section where the aquarium water come in before being filtered. Waited overnight to see if he could find his way back but he is still there. Often see him trying to reach over to get back but...
  5. InCodWeTrust

    Stuck Anemone?

    My green bubble tip decided to relocate and during his walk, he got stuck in one of the holes in my Jbj 65 gallon aquarium. He has done this once before but I took him out and put him back to his original spot. There was a little flesh coming out but he recovered. Any ideas on how to prevent this?
  6. alexytman

    Anemone stuck!!

    I'm rescaping my new reef tank and tried to move my bt anemone. I manage to get it off the rock using the power head into a box used to acclimate to my other tank. However it stuck onto the acclimation box and don't know how to get it off. It's been 12hr and I have a piece of acrylic with a...
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