
  1. M

    Do I need to reenforce my ground floor for new 180g fishtank and how

    Hi I'm proposing to reenforce my floor under my new 180g (5x2x2.5ft with sump) tank. I've identified and measured where floor joists ect are (see photos and diagram. I need to run it parralel but the middle of the tank is over a concrete support beam that the main beam and then joists are...
  2. bdesign

    DIY Stand - Structural Integrity Opinions (yikes)

    Looking for opinions/thoughts on the structural integrity of a stand for a 62G tank. Front View: 3D View (Stand Only): Directly under the top would be two "beams" (glue-laminated) using two pieces of 3" x 3/4" x 47" ply for a finished thickness of 3" x 1 1/2" x 47". View (from inside)...
  3. porawhora

    Would you fill this tank?

    Marine land 180g as I’m getting it cleaned up I noticed the bottom bracing on the tank itself is bowed out in 2 places. Would you trust this tank? Part of me would rather just buy new glass especially since I don’t trust the person who sold it to me it at point. He said he would plumb it for me-...