
  1. AquaticReefTV

    Stringy thing growing on the aquarium glass ID

    Hey everyone, my aquarium is about 1 year old, this thing growing on the glass since the last month or so. it would be great help if you could help me ID it. in the video in the last 20 sec, it is a bit blurry sorry, It is shot with a magnifying glass since it is so tiny. thanks
  2. afamuz

    White stringy thing?

    Hey guys, 6 week old tank and i noticed a stringy white thing that’s attached on my rock. Any ideas what it is and what’s causing it?
  3. SenorBubs

    Weird Stringy thing on shell

    Just found this thing on my Halloween Hermit today after having him a while. But I’ve definitely noticed this weird string on him before. Hopefully it’s not harmful... Any help would be appreciated
  4. alexytman

    Sps doing weird things in my tank...

    Everything is doing fine but some of the sps. A piece of pink Monty is bleaching. And some acro have these white strings. All of them across have very fuzzy polyp extension though. (Other than Monty, maybe too much light) The main thing is what is the white strings. I had 2 across with them...
  5. LB Dantzler

    Clown fish string hanging from stomach

    Our male Clownfish had a little brown string hanging from his stomach tonight. Could just be poop, but it's the first time we've seen it in 2 months so it was odd. Then, 2 minutes later our female clown had it too. Also, brown. Just want to know what you guys think about it, should we be...
Biota Marine Life