stressed fish

  1. Muffin87

    Two 10G for quarantining up 3 tangs together

    I'm quite restricted in terms of space, so I'm planning to buy two 10G tanks (20" long x 10" wide x 12” high) to quarantine up to 3 tangs at the same time. Would this work for quarantine, or am I just asking for big stress/aggression issues? Thanks! P.S. My DT is a 5 ft 100G. I want to...
  2. C

    Clown stressed in QT

    So I got a new clown the other day and put him in my quarantine tank. Tank is a 2 gallon with PVC, heater, and filter with floss and sponge from DT. I’ve noticed the clown seems to be freaking out a bit. He keeps swimming around all over the place and will not eat. I covered the sides of the...
  3. C

    Do I have enough rock for my fishies to feel safe?

    Hey everyone, the first tank is a 120g/500L (4x2x2ft)/(130x60x60cm). Currently there are living a bunch of hermits, snails, a sanddollar, a tuxedo urchin (iirc) and 4 fishes in there: A dwarf zebra lionfish, a chelom butterfly, a tomini tang and a large melanurus wrasse. The box is for the...
  4. agame2021

    Foxface rabbitfish

    So I got my first 2 fish today a purple fire fish goby(was supposed to be just a fire fish goby but the company sent me the wrong one…) and a foxface rabbit fish. So I noticed my wave maker was just way too much for these little guys! So I turned it all the way down. The the foxface kept trying...
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