
  1. chemicals

    Leopard wrasse has trouble finding a sleeping spot

    Hi, I own a leopard wrasse for 4 months now and its doing pretty well except at night. When the lights go out it almost always struggles to find a spot to bury himself. It’s so frustrating to watch because he starts trying around 1hour before the lights go out and gets very stressed out when...
  2. Wuffletoast

    Stressed Clownfish

    I added three new fish to my tank a week ago. A yellow wrasse, a firefish goby, and an additional clownfish. The new clownfish has been attempting to pair with the existing one, but ever since the additions the old clownfish will stick to a corner of the tank and swim up and down for a couple of...
  3. Minhaj Qazi

    Safe Or Not ? Red Sea Carbon Sticking to Magnet

    Hi Reefers, I have a 146 gal Mixed Reef which is 2 years mature System and i dont have any Algae etc. Alk 8.5 dkh No3 -5ppm Po4 .10 ppm Mg 1350 ppm Tin 25ppm Salt 1.025 All Other parameters Stable. Less Corals Somehow Receding Continuously Specially Torches etc. Changed 50% water Thrice till i...
  4. Aubrie93

    Yellow tang died in qt

    My boyfriend and I just bought a yellow tang 2 days ago(Sunday). We put it in our qt tank to watch for a couple weeks before moving to our main display. Perameters: 30g tank running for about 2 months now with previously housing some fish from our main display, temp 80F, salinity 1.025, ammonia...
  5. RaeOfSunshine

    Distressed fish after best friend dies

    Hey guys, My peacock wrasse is distressed after his best mate jumped and I'm really worried about him :( He's swimming erratically not eating like he should and iv put something over the top of the tank now but I'm scared if he gets the chance he will jump to! Do I get him a new wrasse friend...
  6. damselindistress

    New CB problems

    Got a new Coral Beauty Friday evening and I broke every cardinal new fish rule that reefers follow and I’ve learned my lesson. Idiot mistake #1 - Fish had just been received the day prior and I asked to see it feed. They put some mysis in and the CB went after it with gusto but immediately spit...
  7. Mwag

    Royal Gramma Stressed out????

    Hello all, yesterday I naught a Royal Gramma from my LFS. I floated him for 15 mins and every 4 mins I put half a cup of water from my qt tank into the bag. By this time, the Royal Gramma was significantly stressed darting back and forth in the bag but he settled down. I added him to qt tank and...
  8. PlanB

    Chromis stressed

    I have a blue chromis, and he is not eating, not schooling (4 total chromis), and is being chased from his sleeping spot by the others, particularly by my blonde tang. The only change was a slight re-arrangement to the rock so I suspect that is what kicked off the aggression by the tang. Also...
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