strange behavior

  1. b0bburg3r

    Heavy breathing weird behavior. Can’t identify!

    My tang was found breath heavy after feeding of mysis. At night he hides and has a respiration rate over 150 a second. He also has a cleaner shrimp following him everywhere and cleaning him. Getting worse but during the day he acts like this and is still eating like crazy. Please help I am a...
  2. F

    Strange Banggai Cardinalfish Behavior?

    Hey all! I recently acquired 2 banggai cardinalfish which I believe to be a male and female. I’ve only had them home for a few days, but I’ve noticed every once and a while they will do this behavior. One will pause, fold it’s fins over and turn slightly, and then yawn. Occasionally the other...
  3. Danh Ngo

    Need Help! New H.mag strange behavior

    I have a new Anemone, H.mag for 5 days now. It is acting very weird. I try to feed it some time but it did not want the food (mysis, grated shrimp). The weird things is it only inflates at night, at around 9pm-4am, and close during the day. The nem seems very happy at night but not in the...
  4. Seth Francis

    Acan mouth protruding after feeding???

    So I introduced two new acan frags and a blasto to my tank this week. They’ve all been dipped and quarintined as best as is possible in my situation. The one frag opened up yesterday and was looking great so today I decided to feed it some reef roids using a tube, dropping small amounts at a...
  5. Eva Rose

    Midas Blenny - Help

    My Midas blenny was missing for 2 days. Before he was happy -swimming & eating normally. I looked everywhere. I found him this AM peeking out of his normal bolthole. He seem excited to see the food (LRS Reef Frenzy) but would only not leave his bolthole. He would exit about 2/3rds of the way...
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