
  1. chuckfu5

    Blue Face Tri Color Scopas tang

    I’ve had him for close to a year. When I first got him he was a normal blue face koi tang. He was sold as a tri color. After being in the new system for a couple of weeks he’s turning into this……..he’s gotten so much yellow in him and gets more and more everyday! I’m excited to see where he...
  2. P-Hod


  3. Saskdevil

    Anyone know what this strange pattern is?

    I noticed in on my rocks. I have no idea what it is. I have 2 clowns, cerith snails, nassarius snails, 2 scarlet hermits, 2 blue dwarf hermits, and an emerald crab.
  4. Saskdevil

    What is this strange pattern on my rocks?

    I noticed this strange pattern of stuff on my rocks. I have no idea what it is. I have 2 clowns, an emerald crab, 2 Scarlett hermits, 2 blue dwarf hermits, cerith snails, and a nassarius snail l.
  5. WheatToast

    What on earth are these?!

    They look like limpets or chitons the size of pinheads, attached to my refugium’s glass pane, but they jitter and have pulsating appendages like isopods. What do you guys think? Below: location of pulsating appendages, circled in red.
  6. SC1000


    What are these strange tall tubed shaped fosforescents vegetation ?? Good or Bad ??
  7. WheatToast

    Strange Spiked Growths

    I have absolutely no clue what these things are. They came on some LFS live rock, which I believe originated from the Indo-Pacific. They have no holes, feel quite tough, do not bend, and have small “tufts” on their spikes. They also do not appear to have grown since I introduced them a few weeks...
  8. reefsaver

    Hitchiker/Pest/Critter/ what the heck IS THIS, Please Help!

    I bought my first ever coral about 4 months ago, a small 2 head Torch and a fungia plate coral, I dipped them both and got a small flatworm off the torch luckily. A few days into owning the torch and watching it get used to the water and extend, I noticed a little section of bristly exoskeleton...
  9. sayitfast

    What? Looks like a large Nudi or some kind of snail?

    So I'm sitting here in my office no lights and I glance at my nano tank and I see what looks like a big white spot.... I thought it was some kind of sponge. I put the iPhone light on it and it looks like some kind of shell-less snail but pretty big... I would say 2 inches long and a solid inch...
  10. Brandon42

    Ricordia babies

    so iv had my ricordia for awhile now and it has grown a ton sense I got it, it's probably one of the most thriving corals I have right now. The one on the left is way more blue than the photo does it justice and some of its bubbles seem to be growing much larger than most of the others. But...
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