stocking list

  1. A

    New tank. Stocking ideas???

    Hey! So I plan to upgrade from a Waterbox Marine X 60.2 (24 inches, 2 feet long) to a CADE Frag 1500 (60 inches, 5 feet long). I currently have a smaller Scopas, 2 clownfish, a melanurus wrasse, and a mandarin dragonet. I want a yellow tang, I probably will cap out at 2 tangs, unless more is...
  2. BlackiceClowns

    Stocking Opinions

    Hello everyone I've got a 20 by 20 by 27 inches tank. The tank has a total of 175 liters which is approximately 45 gallons. this is the original stocking list in order of what I plan on adding first to last. Clownfish (2) Bangai Cardinal Fish (?) Flame, Falco, or Longnose Hawkfish (One of...
  3. Mavsaltwater

    Comment on my stocking list please

    Hi everyone, I have a 55 gallon saltwater. Its 2 months old and I eventually want to get corals (probably by the end of the year). I currently have 2 clowns, 2 banggaii cardinals, 1 blood shrimp, and hermit crabs and snails. I want to add these: 1 royal gramma 1 purple firefish 1 lawnmower...
  4. Herbie's Reef

    Need help with a stocking list for my 85 gallon!!!

    Hello everyone! I have recently started my first reef tank and am working on the stocking list. The tank is 85 gallons with the dimensions of 41" length x 24" width x 22" height. I plan on keeping a 1-2" sand bed for the various wrasses I want to keep and am currently building an NSA aquascape...
  5. mbri

    Build Thread My JBJ RF-25 Build

    New build incoming :smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes: Just upgraded from a Fluval Evo 13.5 to a JBJ RF-25 that I got during the BRS Black Friday sale. Absolutely loving this tank so far, the stand is sleek and I love the rimless look that's maintained with the glass lid. Sticking with the stock...
  6. Muffin87

    Stocking list for shallow 100G tank

    This is my aquarium: a Waterbox Frag 145.5 Length Width Height Water Level Volume 60" 26" 16" (shallow tank!) 15" Total: 107 G / 406 liters To Water level: 98 G / 371 liters Below is my fish wish list. The ones in bold and underlined are the ones I'm gonna have a hard time giving up. How...
  7. Reef0holic

    Stocking ideas

    I have a 425 litre Red Sea reefer G2 and was going to make it a FOWLR setup, I am open to suggestions, I would like; Coral beauty angel Fuzzy Dwarf lionfish Red stripe angel Lemonpeal angel You suggest filler fish and other cool fish
  8. Q

    Stocking List for 34g

    Hello all, I am finishing up my cycle for a 34g display tank with a 9g sump for a mixed reef with a section of sand at 4" and a cover. Can anyone let me know if the following stocking list would work and, if so, what order of introduction I should follow? 1. pearly jawfish 2. green clown goby...
  9. Yourlocalreefer

    Future stocking list for 180g?

    Hi I’m setting up a 180g 72 x 24 x 24 inches. My current livestock: (transferring from my current 65g all rock,sand, and water would be transferred as well) 1xscopas tang (small juvenile) 4x chromis 2x ocellaris clownfish 1x brittle starfish 1x cleaner shrimp A couple snails and hermits Future...
  10. Erik the Red

    Advices and ideas for new build

    Hi everyone, I’m planning to get a new tank instead of my Waterbox 35.1 AIO. The reason is that it’s never really taken off and I need some more stability as due to my job it can be hard to follow the tank. So basically I’d like a bigger tank to allow it to go on autopilot once in a while. For...
  11. C

    Fiji Cube Sizing + Stocking

    Hello everyone¡ I’ve always loved owning planted aquariums but it’s time progress and dive saltwater reef keeping. After researching for MONTHS I’ve made a huge list of all the equipment from the ghl controller to what coral dip to get. That’s when my slow brain realized I hadn’t picked a tank...
  12. maryocean7

    Fish Stock Suggestions

    Hello everyone. We are about 1 month now into the hobby and made a list of fishes we would potentially like to have. We obviously know a lot of these we won't be able to get but would like your opinion on what we can or should not get, problems they may cause or alternatives. Now we do want to...
  13. C

    35g stocking list, suggestions?

    So im setting up my first saltwater tank and its 35G, any suggestions would help :) Entacmaea quadricolor Heteractis magnifica Fromia pacifica (Yellow tipped red) Amphiprion ocellaris x 2 (Nemo) Any other fish suggestions would be appreciated
  14. R

    60 Gallon Mixed Reef Stocking

    Hi, hope everyone's having a good day I'm currently setting a 4' 60 gallon tank that I'm planning on being a mixed reef with mainly soft and lps coral with a few easier sps. For filtration I have about 55-70 lbs of rock, it's plumbed to a 33 gallon sump with a refugium and a Eshopps skimmer...
  15. J

    40 gal stocking

    Hey guys I have a 40 gallon reef tank set up and it’s almost out of the cycling stage. I plan on keeping hardy corals in there and adding them once the tank is about 3-6 months old, or at least after the algae bloom stage is over. I am thinking of adding the following fish: - 1x Clownfish: I...
  16. TL1

    Vlamingi / Orange Shoulder / Blonde Naso Center Piece Fish?

    Hello everyone! I'm finalizing my Reefer S-1000 Build and am trying to decide on a large centerpiece fish. I'm posting this to hopefully gain some insights from you guys and gals, because there are so many differing opinions on these fish and their appropriate minimum tank size. My...
  17. Brendanb5

    55 gallon stocking ideas

    I have a 55 gallon display with a 20 gallon sump. Moving over from my 32 biocube is a pair of clowns, a Royal gramma, a tailspot blenny, and a tiger pistol shrimp. The pistol used to be paired with a watchman goby and I’d like to get him another goby, looking for suggestions on what other gobies...
  18. HonorableWhat

    Stocking for waterbox 20g cube

    So, i got a 20g waterbox aio for cheap that i plan to turn into a rock flower nem tank. And im wanting to stock it with something uncommon. So feel free to reccomend something. Im fine with it being a single species only tank
  19. Schraufabagel

    Suggestions for 5th fish?

    My 25 gallon tank is currently stocked with 2 clownfish, 1 banggai cardinalfish, and 1 sharknose goby. Does anyone have suggestions for a good fish to add? Preferably something that explores the tank or is an active swimmer.
  20. J

    Advise with stocking 40 gal.

    Hey guys, I got a general idea of what I want to put into my 40 gal reef tank, let me know what you guys think! - 2x Ocellaris Clownfish - 1-3x Green/Blue Chromis (undecided as to how many) - 1x Yellow Watchman/Wheeler Goby (undecided and plan to pair with pistol shrimp) - 1x Kaudern Cardinal...
  21. thevelvetdragon

    92 Gallon Reef Tank Stocking List

    Hi guys! We are getting a 92 gallon tank this weekend that we're buying from someone. It's an already established tank, but since we've had the worst luck with parasites we are going to clean it out and let it sit before adding water to it and starting over. That being said, I'm an avid planner...
  22. D

    Convict Tang in 4ft 165 gallon?

    Hi guys I currently have a 4ft 165 gallon(DT Volume) tank (4'X2.5'X2.5') and would like to purchase a convict tang. I'm not sure if I'll be overstocking my tank or if the tank is too small for an adult sized convict tang. I'd like to hear other's experiences with convict tangs and their usual...
  23. Spydersweb

    Would 1 more fish be too much?

    Hello all, I was wondering if I could get input on my stock in a 125 gallon. Everyone is about medium sized right now. I was just wondering if I could add another medium sized fish(4-6 inches or so), or should I stop while I’m ahead. My fish: Marine betta Dwarf fuzzy lion 2 ocellaris clowns...
  24. Schraufabagel

    First Setup Advice - Waterbox AIO 35.2

    So I've narrowed in on my first saltwater tank that I'll get for my apartment once I move in a few months. I'm looking for any advice on anything regarding the equipment choices and stocking list. Waterbox AIO 35.2 (33 gallon 2'x2' cube). I chose this tank since it makes the most sense in case...
  25. James210ReefLife

    Stocking options 210g

    Getting so close to finally filling the 210 I should start researching what I can add. Currently in the 75 we have 1 yellow anglefish, 1 blue eye tang, 2 ocellaris clowns, and 1 filefish. The filefish will be returned to the lfs. He took care of the aiptasia and then moved on to the zoa garden...
Dr. Reefs Quarantined Fish