
  1. B

    Stocking help

    So I have been setting up a 90 gal (4ft standard) for the past 4 months and am finalizing my fish stocking. Watchman goby A pair of osolarious clowns (sorry about spelling) 6 line wrase here is where I’m uncertain and have questions I want a kole tang but I also like yellow tangs, I’ve tease...
  2. B

    Need help with 90 gal stocking!

    So pretty much i am upgrading my tank and my selection is a kole tang, two clowns, and a watchman goby, I was thinking of getting a pair of bangaii cardinals but would love to hear suggestions (might get a wrassel?) just want to hear some ideas on fish that could replace the Bangaiis
  3. B

    What is the best fish to add to a 90 gal tank

    As the title suggests I wanna hear what you guys think the best fish (like tang or something that will flourish in a large tank) would be for my 90 gal tank
  4. B

    Is this good stocking for a 90 gallon tank

    So I currently have a 4 inch tomato clown and I want to put in a kole yellow eyed tang and 4 Bangaii cardinal fish.is this a good idea
  5. FishieFlashdrive

    IM 75EXT Stocking Plan

    I have a 75 gallon Innovative Marine EXT tank with a 30 gallon Icecap sump. I'm brand new to this, but have done tons of research as I dream about what it can be! Because I'm new, I just don't have the intrinsic sense of what is over-stocked vs. under-stocked. I'd like happy healthy fishies, but...
  6. C

    Nano Build Stocking Feedback & Advice - IM Lagoon 25

    Been working on getting a new IM Lagoon 25 tank setup which is currently cycling. So starting to get more serious about thoughts on stocking. The tank is mostly for my kids so they have requested a few of the options. Looking for advice on if this combo would work well and then in what order...
  7. FRANK48

    I have a 52 gallon saltwater tank how many fish do you think I could have

    I also have a 20gallon sump. I already have 6 fish but I’m not sure if that’s the limit or not. I have 2 clownfish 2 blennies and 1 goby and a royal gramma. Eventually wanting to get corals
  8. multsh

    Stocking ideas

    Hello everyone, Have a 40g tall reef tank w a protein skimmer, mostly with zoas, mushrooms, some tube/coco worms. For fish I have a ywg, wheelers goby, yellow head jawfish, captive bred clown, firefish and mandarin (captive bred) along with fire and peppermint shrimp and cuc. As you can...
  9. T

    Ready to Stock?

    So I’ve had my tank running since Wednesday (1/6/21) I’ve used live rock and live sand and I added a bottle of nitrifying bacteria for saltwater. I’ve been checking my parameters, they all look good (1.023 sg, 0 ppm ammonia and nitrite, 10-20 ppm nitrate.) I added hermit crabs last night and...
  10. Holmzie123

    Nano Build Fish Selection

    Hey all, this is my first time starting a post but figured I'd look for some feedback on my reefing plan. My current fish stock is 2 snowflake clowns, tanaka's pygmy wrasse, and a tailspot blenny. Plus a cleaner shrimp and small clean up crew. I plan on getting sexy shrimp and a goby. Possibly...
  11. Tpine1402

    Fish Stocking Help

    I have recently started cycling my 44 gallon Pentagon FOWLR. Before I go and buy any fish and over stock the tank I would like to know if my fish stock wish list is reasonable. I would like to know if the fish are compatible and if they will all fit, also which fish to remove or add. Thank you...
  12. fishkeepinginasia

    Hello Greetings Brethren. I'm Nathan and I'm new.

    Hello everyone, I'm excited to be a part of this forum. I'm new to online groups like this, but I joined fishlore a few days ago and enjoyed participating there. However, I'm a saltwater guy so I wanted to find a community more focused on coral and calcium than mollies and rasboras. My...