I am a starter to saltwater aquariums and I have a 6 gallon tank and I want to get a decorator crab because I feel like I am not ready for a reef aquarium (mainly because of budget an size of tank) and I want to know if I can keep a decorator crab in a 6 gallon fish tank?
I am a starter to saltwater aquariums. I have done all my research and I can't seem to find one thing. What type of Anemone do spotted porcelain anemone crabs need also will it be able to go in a 6 gallon fish tank?
Hello my reefing friends.
I just installed my red sea max nano with a reefled 50. I installed the app and filled in all the info until step 3/3, there is were it went wrong. I filled everything in but when I want to press “done” it gives me the option “offline or online” if I press these...