
  1. J

    Showing my tank

    Hey guys, started this about 2 months ago so brand new to the hobby. we started off with a 110ltr tank use the red sea 21 day kit. Once we had everything up and running with all parameters looking good we’ve added 4 hermit crabs, cleaner shrimp, 2 clownfish and a royal gramma. We didn’t add...
  2. J

    40G First Time Cycling

    Hello! My first post on the forum, I've read countless threads, watched days worth of Youtube (BRS mainly) and still don't feel like there is a clear path to success when starting. It seems a lot of videos/threads will contradict themselves based on how old they are. I'm just looking for a...
  3. BanZI29

    Aquariums Lighting Drygoods I upgraded and need to help pay the bill down.

    Hello all. I upgraded my tank and I need to pay the bill down a bit. I am selling my tank with all that you see. I am asking for $600 O.B.O. Here is the list: -Innovative Marine Fusion 25 gal Current USA Orbit Marine LOOP lights system with Light mounts (will need clamps for the mount)...
  4. John.Thompson

    For the newbies

    Are mushrooms a good tolerant coral for starters??
  5. alimac122

    Tell me to quit messing with my tank

    Okay. As EVERYONE of us is stuck at home and MANY of us have started a new project. I built my tank last week and got it salted and seeded on thursday. I was ALMOST finished cycling on Monday. Then i added more raw meat and the chems screwed up again. Which just means more bacteria so not...
  6. Archcello

    Build Thread Boyu TL-550 Nano Reef Tank

    I figured that I should finally put my tank on here. This is a Boyu Nano tank. 128L with a custom hood and a Corona Rapid LED light. I've tried mechanical filters but I've switched to an ATS. I currently have a Black Sailfin Blenny and a Sailfin Tang. I've tried a variety of corals, but the...
Ultimate Corals