
  1. DarthChaos

    Biscuit Starfish - hands down, my favorite invert!

    I know there is very limited information - on the extremely beautiful and unique, Biscuit Starfish. I checked...but took the plunge anyways. I have had this handsome fellow...since July 2022. I do nothing special, to feed him. He shares my 190g DT - with a good variety of inverts, but...
  2. M

    Starfish dying? please help

    Hi all! I’ve had my marine tank for around 2 years now and i’ve never really had any problems (accept my clown being agressive). Around 2 months ago i decided to buy a red starfish for my tank. The starfish settled in nicely and had been doing good, moving around freely, climbing up the glass...
  3. lilly.hall

    Starfish looking puffy?

    My pet chocolate chip starfish is looking puffier than usual. It also has not moved in a few hours. Is she/he ok? I just bought it a month ago and it has been feeding properly and moving around the tank. These are my water levels: Nitrite:0 Nitrate:0 Ammonia:0 Ph:8.2 Salinity:1.025
  4. X

    EMERGENCY My Chocolate Chip Starfish

    Hi, I’m completely new to fish tanks and today I acclimated a Chocolate starfish for about an hour. Adding some of the tank water to the water that was in his little baggie and he’s now just chilling in one spot and I don’t see any of his little fingers. I’m worried about him. Is he okay? He’s...