
  1. Gretchacha

    Most effective pH increase - algae scrubber, refugium, or CO2 scrubber?

    A newish tank (2 months old) with low nutrients and no algae, has low pH 7.8-8.0. It is a 30G tank running a canister filter (crazy, I know) with SeaChem Matrix and ROX activated carbon. I dose live phyto twice per day. There is no sump There is no skimmer There is no space under the tank for...
  2. A

    Rapid .05 ph Swing safe?

    Hi I'm using Kalkwasser to regulate pH. Is it safe for have pH swigs from 8.24 - 8.31 so rapidly? I have high CO2 in the house. I'm using a co2 scrubber on my skimmer intake but still can't get my pH over 7.9 without dosing Kalk. Luckly my alk and cal are staying stable with the current dosing...
  3. reefsaver

    Is Anyone's Hanna Magnesium Checker Not Reading High?

    I've heard about the problem of Hanna's Magnesium colorimeter reading high and recently learned that you can fill out a form on the Hanna website to get them to send out a new Reagent to correct the issue. But has anyone not had to do this and is getting similar results to other tests they do? I...
  4. Soren

    Black Mollies for Live-Rock-Culture Tank

    With a recent order from Gulf Live Rock, I started a 90-gallon tank with a 44g Brute sump for isolating ocean-direct live rock and culturing dry rock from the live rock. Algae is starting to grow all over this tank, and I am looking for methods to keep it in check. The issue with remedy...
  5. reefsaver

    Real-time Salinity Monitor?

    I was wondering if there was any Salinity testing equipment that actively reads Salinity in real-time, I use the Hanna Salinity Checker which I really enjoy but sometimes I get the feeling that it's not as accurate as a Refractometer.
  6. G

    Hammer coral receding since purchase

    I got this hammer a few months ago. Initially it was nice and fluffy but has since receded pretty harshly. I initially thought that the water might be too dirty so I stepped up the water changes. Then I read last week that they may prefer slightly dirty water and that I was probably throwing the...
  7. F

    how does temperature affect a reef tank? - QUESTION not answer

    Just want to say this first, I am not an experienced reef keeper and am not looking to keep this fish, just looking for information because it is interesting to me. I live in Australia and was reading about the Lennardi wrasse which apparently likes much cooler temperatures than most reef tanks...
  8. reefsaver

    Do the Dosing Containers require an air-stone to maintain a homogenous dosing solution?

    I was wondering, do you need to add some kind of movement to the liquid in dosing containers? Like an air-stone? I was just thinking after time maybe things separate and so could be dosing concentrated amounts.
  9. sagee

    Stabilizing phosphates

    Hey folks I've been reefing a long time but i would like to take my tank to the next level so to speak. As the name of this thread suggests, im having an issue keeping my phosphates in check they go up and down and no matter what I try im having an issue keeping them stable im not going for a...
  10. Muffin87

    What are the actual observed drawbacks of long-term GFO use?

    I was watching this video with @Lou Ekus; he says he personally doesn't like seeing people running GFO 24/7. What are the observed (rather than theoretical) drawbacks with the long term use of GFO? Obviously, a sudden drop in PO4 will cause issues, but this is not what we're talking about. What...
  11. alishahlakhani

    Stability - What, how and why? let's talk.

    Hey reefers, So I was wondering that our hobby relies alot on attaining "stability" but in it's raw form, what does stability even mean? I have few theories on what, why and how of stability in a reef tank. Feel free to correct me or share more opinions. What: - Stability is a range not a...
  12. M

    50 Gallon Reef Tank on Carpet - Waterbox AIO 50.3

    Hello, I am looking into setting up a Waterbox AIO 50.3. The only spot it works in my house is in my home office which has a brand new low pile carpet. Of course I want to make sure this tank is stable. Any recommendations? I was thinking putting some plywood or foam between the stand and the...
  13. J

    Alk & Cal Stability

    Hey all quick question, If alkalinity and calcium (but more importantly alk) is not stable and maintained properly, will that stop or slow down coral growth? Even including soft corals even though they don’t rely on those elements as much as stony’s? Thanks as always everyone, happy reefing.
  14. killergoby

    Am I ready for acros?

    I'm sure a lot of these get posted, but here goes. My newest tank was set up July 2020. I used primarily marco and RealReef rock for the aquascape, which is all dry. Its a barebottom with a ~50% display water volume refugium with a sand bed in the fuge. The refugium has xenia and caulerpa in...
  15. Reefer37

    My Tank Feels like it's Going Downhill

    So let me give a little background. I started this hobby for the first time about 7 months ago. I knew starting out this hobby would be a challenge, but it was something I was ready for. I cleaned out a JBJ45 I picked off Craigslist, set it up. Cycled for 2 weeks using a combo of live sand and...
  16. J

    Rising Alk with Falling Ca.... Why??

    Good afternoon and thank you in advance for helping me. I have a relatively new tank (been up for about 8 mos), fairly well stocked mixed reef. Red Sea reefer 525 XL. Until recently i have not had to dose. Continuous water changes were maintaining my ca/alk/mg levels pretty well. When I started...
  17. Joe Batt

    New piece of rock effects?

    Just putting a reasonably large piece of rock in the tank, and the question is will it effect the tanks stability? Is it likely to start any sort of new cycle? The rock is from an old tank and has been cooking in the dark in salt water in the garden for months. It looks clean and fresh, smells...
  18. Joe Batt

    Alkalinity stability

    We all know (I think ) that alkalinity should be kept as stable as possible. However there is little information on what 'stable' is so I am starting the poll to see what change average reefer see's on a daily basis when they test their tank. Would be interesting if you added a post to say...
  19. ReeferMadness80G

    Apex induced stability for Control Freaks!!!

    I’m in LOVE with my Neptune Apex Controller, and it’s really turned me into a control freak! Which is great because my other love,besides my kids and wife, is SPS, and we all know that SPS love stability! So with the Apex, it allows me to log my parameters and see them in a very detailed way...
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