sps tips

  1. Brockly

    Deference’s between sps tip growth and burn

    I’m new to sps and have had a few sticks for about 6 Months. I’ve had my issues with too much light and fluctuating alk In the past. I’m trying to learn better what is normal growth tips and bad distressed tips on sps please provide pictures of both and discriptions for all to see. Some of...
  2. cwb_reeftank

    keeping levels stable?

    ok I feel like I'm not sure how to maintain my levels at a stable point. I did a water change on May 26 and checked my alk and it read at 9.5 dKH(Hanna) I checked it today and it showed 7.6 dKH(Hanna). I want to keep my levels between 7-8. how would I one keep them stable and how would I dose or...
  3. cwb_reeftank

    two questions

    the first question on average how long does it take an acro to encrust? also how often should you replace your t5s?
  4. Jizu Puentes

    "Deep sea" Acro tips

    Recently ive had an imbalance with having a high alkalinity level with a low nutrient level and it caused my sps to lose color. I have raised my bioload and started coral feeding to raise my nutrient levels and all of my sps but one have colored up and are showing great PE. The one coral that...