sps quarantine

  1. nickkohrn

    Quarantining Snails and Corals

    I’m setting up a frag system that I intend to populate with Trochus snails, a wrasse, a current stock of corals, and , eventually, new corals. So, I have been researching an appropriate way to quarantine them. I have read about hobbyists putting snails and corals into a 76-day quarantine...
  2. M

    SPS Coral Quarantine Problems

    I have a 20 gallon quarantine setup which has been up and running for 3 months. I have a hang on the back filter, live rock, sand and a powerhead with a heater with temp controller and AI hyrda lights. Every time I dip corals then place in quarantine, they start to RTN within a few days. I'll...
TCK Corals