sps id

  1. Personal Reef

    I got my hands on the CITES Stony Coral ID Guide

    I uploaded the Stony Coral ID guide launched at CITES CoP 19. It's meant for customs agents to ID stony corals to prevent illegal coral trade, but it's a beautiful full colour guide that I think would be really interesting for a lot of you. I've attached the PDF here so feel free to take a look!
  2. Alexopora

    SPS ID Inquiry

    Need some input on the possible id for this sps coral. It was sold to me as a small polyp cyphastrea but as far as know cyphastreas dont look like this. I’m leaning towards stylocoeniellia or porites.
  3. London_pico_reefer

    Sps ID

    Could anyone ID this, just got it and seems to be doing very well
  4. London_pico_reefer

    Encrusting coral ID

    Hi everyone, bought this encrusting sps, looks maybe like a leptastrea of some kind but I don’t see any kind of big polyps, maybe it’s closed but not too sure, any help with an ID would be great
  5. BighohoReef

    SPS colony ID... Worth the money?

    Our LFS got a bunch of indo colonies last week. I purchased it for $200 but I'm having it rest in the store until it's rested. Wondering if anyone knows what type of acro this is.
  6. Evan28395950

    Birds nest ID

    Just got my tank first real sps coral, a birds nest, any specific type that it is? Any care tips? I currently have it at top of rock, where it’s getting a good ammount of light and medium flow.