sps help

  1. ScubaZ

    Monti cap discoloration

    I have a red monti cap in the center of my tank that was doing really good for a while and now is taking a turn for the worst. Too much light maybe? It’s right under a hydra 26hd although it’s lower in the tank. It seems to bleeching out possibly in some areas although I’m not sure. Any...
  2. O

    SPS dying off. Losing tissue

    Hey R2R members, I am wondering if you can help me figure out what is going on with a number of my SPS. Tank has been up for over 2 years and have kept all my SPS frags and mini colonies alive and well for that period of time. Over the course of about 4 weeks I have lost a few SPS but a number...
  3. cwb_reeftank

    Strawberry Shrotcake

    ok I got a piece of strawberry shortcake from Jason Fox at a frag swap awhile back. I also got other sps frags. all of the are doing fine but the strawberry shortcake, its actually white now. I don't understand what happened because the of acros I have by it are doing great. I thought it might...
  4. hatrix11

    Recovering SPS tips

    Hi, So I recently went through a small tank crash, T5 bulbs went bad and as I was in the process of switching tanks I didn't want to invest in new bulbs since I bought new LEDs for the new build. Everything transferred fine and new tank is up and running. So here is my issue and I'll do my...
Reef Kinetics