sps corals for beginners

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    SPS in stock 32gal Biocube LED?

    Hey guys, can I grow SPS in a 32 biocube LED? If so what is a good beginner sps that won’t hurt anything else? I have candy canes, blasto, hammer, and zoas (and some crazy paly grandis) all growing like weeds in my tank.
  2. DQM5

    California Cheap forest fire digi

    Hey reefers I got a couple forest fire digi for sale. Ranging $10-$20
  3. NoahMMTV

    Made a video discussing the best beginner sps corals!

    Hope you got to learn something new out of it! Be sure to check out my other beginner coral videos if you get the chance!
Ecotech Marine