sps color

  1. cloud9aquariums

    RR Fuzzy Navel Coloration

    Hey fellow stick heads! I snagged an awesome piece of Fuzzy Navel and would love to know what conditions you've found help yours keep that bright yellow coloration! I fully expect mine to brown out as it settles into my higher nutrient system and but would love to hear what lighting intensity...
  2. dennislagoon

    Light brown/cream colored SPS corals

    Hi, My tank isn't ready for it yet, but I'm researching SPS corals I'd like to add in the future. I'm working towards somewhat of a natural approach and would like some light brown or cream color SPS corals to be a part of it. But I can't find much of those colors in the online shops in my...
  3. O

    SPS extensions but low color

    I have a single milipora to test this system I've had running stable for the past 7 month. It's 25 gallon peninsula with an ATO, 2 orphek blue plus, and a hydra 32 for good lighting. Parameters are as follows Phos: 0.08 Nitrate 26 Mag 1250 Dkh 8.2 Cal 412 System has been running very stable...
  4. Miss the future

    A nano tank from the far east

    Hello everyone! I have been in contact with sps for one year. This is my mini reef tank. It is a 60cm × 60cm tank carries 240L of water, and almost all the sps in it are raised from fragments. Hope to make more friends here
  5. andy0126

    The color of the SPS

    Whether these sps have bright hair color
  6. Solyum

    Schedule of evergrow it5012 full sps

    Hey Everyone, I'm getting an Envergrow soon and I'm looking for a good program for a full sps tank My aquarium is 150cm X 40cmX 60cm (50cm of watter) Thank you in advance
  7. TheAcroCave

    SPS Which Ones Your Favorite??

    Not being bias but my favorite is definitely the green polyps with purple branches
  8. walloutlet

    New to SPS - Checking In On Progress

    Hey everyone, basically as the title states, I'm new into the world of sticks especially Acropora's. Feeling comfortable that I have my system stability and parameters under control and consistently in line with the what we collective seem to agree as good numbers. Basically, no major swings...
  9. Reef and Dive

    Tortuosa turcoise changes - ideas why?

    I’m intrigued why my Tortuosa Turcoise is developing a certain color... It came from aquaculture under T5 in a tank with very low nutrients. It is with me for 7months. Did not grow axial coralites but developed many radial coralites. The colony is a lot whitish than my frag. Here, it developed...
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