
  1. N

    Small red spots of fire goby

    Does this look like damage or a something else
  2. D

    Dark spots on clown appear then disappear then appear

    So I have a clown that developed a few dark spots weeks ago. My fellow reefers locally determined it was from my hammer coral stinging him. They did go away after awhile while I still had my hammer. now I currently do not have a hammer in my tank (for a few weeks now) and theses spots...
  3. LAA

    EMERGENCY What are these spots on the mushroom?!

    I recently noticed these small reddish brown spots on my mushrooms. What are they? Are they bad?
  4. chemicals

    Black spots growing on my rock

    Hi, recently I noticed some black stuff started growing on my rock. The thanks is around 6 months old. Should I worry? It’s pretty hard to the touch but feels more “slippery” than coralline.
  5. R

    Clownfish Spots PLEASE HELP

    Hello I'm currently deployed and my wife sent me these pictures of one of my clownfish with large spots on it and is resting at the bottom of the tank alot. Im fairly new to the hobby and would like help so I can help her. She is really worried about killing my tank while I'm here overseas...
  6. M

    Spots on LED Bio Cube 32

    Hi All.. I see some spots on my bio cube back panel. I tried to scratch it off but its not going. Is it harm to my tank ? How do i remove it.
  7. Semipermeable_Potato

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Grey Spots / Patches

    Hi All, I've got a relatively new tank (~8 weeks old) that I added in my first 2 ocellaris clowns into 2 1/2 weeks ago. So far they have all been well, however I noticed 3 days ago the morning after their 2nd water change, one of the clowns started to develop these grey spots on it. I see a...
  8. E

    Please help ID these white spots on my hammer.

    Any idea what this can be on my hammer? I thought it may be growing more heads but I don't think that is it.
  9. S

    White spots?

    I just noticed white spots on the rock and snail right by the rock? I’m assuming some type of egg but i don’t really know? It’s just in that spot i haven’t seen it anywhere else in the tank.
  10. naselflee

    EMERGENCY Strange mark on foxface rabbitfish

    Hi. I’ve just noticed this weird black ring on my foxface. It’s not raised or anything f and he’s acting normal. I’ve only had him for almost 4 months, so he’s probably a little over 3 inches. He’s housed with 2 clownfish. I have a few hammer corals and a Duncan coral that he likes to hover...
  11. H

    EMERGENCY Atlantic Blue Tang brown spots

    Hi, I'm new in this hobby and i've had my juvenile atlantinc blue tang for 2 months more or less. Yesterday I did my big water change (70% change) so I went to bed hoping my corals will be bigger today haha... But unfortunately my tang woke up like this, and even whiter than normal (when it's...
  12. S

    Yellow Tang/New Tank

    New to the saltwater hobby, so hopefully will find an answer here. I have had my tank for about 3 months running now and have been checking water quality weekly. I added 2 clowns which have been doing well for over a month now, and just picked up a yellow tang from my lfs earlier than I wanted...
  13. chadfish

    Black Splotches on Clown

    I've heard that black splotches can simply be nips or stings from coral or an anemone. Can anyone confirm that this is probably that? Hopefully not something more sinister. I keep adding coral. I dip in Bayer but I'm nervous that I'm putting my fish at risk.
  14. howme127

    Ocellaris Clownfish in QT with Dark patches

    I have 2 young ocellaris clowns in QT and we are on day 4 of slowly raise copper for their initial QT. The Quarantine tank they are in is a 16 gallon bare bottom tank with mechanical filtration that has 3 bio balls pulled from the DT for bio filtration. There is also a dish of sand from the DT...
  15. S

    Tiny Brown/Orange Spots On Corals

    Hello, I'd like to figure out what these spots are on a number of my corals. My cyphastrea is covered in them and it is not doing well so I wonder if they are the problem. The spots are invisible to my eye but my cyphastrea is more brown/orange than usual and I think its because of all of the...
  16. Courtney & David

    EMERGENCY Two fish not looking so hot

    So I have an orange line chromis that I noticed was missing some of his tail fin about a week ago but he’s going strong and eating. I’m not noticing any bullying going on, but obviously can’t watch 24/7. Today I’ve noticed strange patches on him that I need help with. I also have a black clown...
  17. RobberyinCSharp1824

    White Spots on Zoa

    Can anyone help ID what this is? They're appearing more and more on my zoas; they still open with no issue although I do notice they arent multiplying as fast as my acan, which has probably doubled in size over the last two months. Is this zoa pox? I don't have Furan-2 handy, just Coral Rx...
  18. J

    What in the world.....

    My blue tang has some fluffy looking spots on him. Flukes? Should I freshwater dip? Check out the video. I added prazipro to the tank this morning.
  19. LaraLouM

    Losing my Elegance?

    so I have had my elegance for almost 3 months, it has been the star of the tank, big, bubbly, and full of movement. In the last week it has been getting these orange spots, now the tentacles are thin and scraggly looking, and all in all it just looks bad. Any clue as to what is affecting it...
  20. Aaron Davis

    Flame Angel Ich????

    Man. Been posting on this forum a lot lately. ;) Anywho. I have my flame angel here who I've the last 6 hours, has all of a sudden developed a couple white spots on his tail fin. I don't see any anywhere else on him and he is VERY active. Fantastic color everywhere else; Very vivid. It's odd...