
  1. daniel_mourra

    EMERGENCY Foxface with weird ulcer like spot on skin

    Hello My Foxface was in Copper Power Treatment (at 2.5 ppm) for 14 days due to an ich outbreak. During Copper Power Treatment i dosed the water with 200 miligrams of Nitrofurazone to avoid any bacterial infections and did 100% water changes every 3 days. The last day QT i noticed a spot like a...
  2. 3

    Single white spot on clown fish

    I know this isn’t the greatest photo but Pennywise the clown fish is very active so it was hard to take a decent photo. He has a little white spot near his tail and I was wondering what it could be. Like I mentioned, he’s very active, comes to the side of the tank when I’m there to feed them...
  3. Alexblade1889

    Powder blue tang white spot

    Hi there I noticed that my salinity had risen to 1.030 yesterday so I started to bring it down and got it to 1.026/7 I just come home from work to find my powder blue tang like this I was wondering if it was the salinity that’s caused him stressed and this is white spot that’s developed or...
  4. rsriramtce

    Sailfin tang spots

    Hi, my sailfin tang having small circle spots for past two weeks. But there is no change in character or rubbing against rocks. Can you clarify if it is an infection ...
  5. S

    Blue hippo tang big spot

    I have this tang for 5 years and he is very active and seem healthy. He have this spot for like 6 months and I cant find what he have. Can it just be a burn spot from the heather ? Can someone tell me what it is ? Thanks
  6. Fr4nkthet4nk

    Copperband Butterfly help please!!!!!

    I bought this copperband butterfly from Liveaquaria. It came with a white big spot in its back fin and one side fin. After one day he is showing more but they look a bit different that ich. They are bigger. Do you have any idea what can it be and what should I use? I have to say he is eating...
  7. Aaron Davis

    White spot on top part of fish's gill

    Is this ich?
  8. Aaron Davis

    Dead Spots???

    Hey all, So I'm not exactly sure how to confirm this, but I was performing maintenance on my tank last night and was moving a little sand around because my powerhead's current was creating a dune. I have one LARGE piece of liverock where a pistol shrimp lives. At the entrance to his...
  9. Aaron Davis

    What's this grey spot on my Mandarin?

    Hey guys. Added this guy about a week ago. Had my 55 gal tank populized with copepods approx 2 months ago. He has plenty to eat and he swims around eating all the time. Usually in the shadier parts of the tank. No symptoms of anything wrong or if illness. Didn't QT due to it being a Dragonet and...