
  1. ambuncher

    What’s on my sponge?

    I bought a sea sponge a few months ago. It was doing great for weeks, then fell over between some rocks for a few days. When I pulled it out of rocks, it has some white and brown goo on it. It looks like algae of some sort. I can see the orange flesh beneath, but the goo seems to be spreading. I...
  2. K

    In your experience, for what type of Dinos does Sillicate dosing work?

    I am planing on using a microscope in an attempt to identify the type of dinos that I have. In your experience, for what type of Dinos does Sillicate dosing work?
  3. D

    USA WTB WTB - Red Photosynthetic Plating Sponge

    Looking for a frag of this specific sponge. I have a big colony of the blue/purple variety but just lost my small piece of red due to an alk swing. Looking for another. Thanks
  4. N

    Sponge ok to have?

    I just noticed these sponge like things pop out and didn’t think anything of it, but since I’m having dwarf seahorses/very sensitive fish in this tank idk if I should keep or get rid of them theyre white tentacles
  5. W

    Pineapple sponge?

    Sorry for the bad pictures. It’s i. My fluval 13.5 and I didn’t scrape off the back side of it. You can kind of see it but they look like white webs all over the chamber in the back. Looks as if they’re keeping the chamber clean of detritus in the first one but the second chamber is a little...
  6. Drewerd7

    Propagating Orange Tree Sponge: can I simply cut and glue?!

    My orange tree sponge looks healthy: great color, upright, strong, healthy tissue. I do not like looking at the plug it came in on. The sponge would be more attractive encrusted to live rock. So, can I cut it and gel superglue it to an indent in the live rock? Also, if i leave an inch of the...
  7. A

    Coral not opening up like before and sponge problems

    My corals have been recently not opening up as big as they did before. Nothing really changed. My GSP has been suffering since sponges are growing on it, but nothing happened to other corals. I tried manually removing the sponges but they were soft and wouldn’t come off so i was afraid to hurt...
  8. L

    Something showed up in my tank

    Had this thing show up in my saltwater tank on one of my rocks and I’m trying to figure out what it is. It’s growing slowly as well.
  9. coldwatertech90

    Unidentified sponge

    So this is in a friend’s aiptasia growing tank for feeding his berghia nudis. It’s a type of finger sponge I believe. Its black in color besides the area around the opening at the top of each branch, which is white. Another interesting note is that it will cause a stinging sensation when...
  10. maxemorris

    What’s on my hammer? Help!!

    I just moved my livestock to a new tank, and when I picked up my big hammer colony for the first time in months it had these dark worms and white spongey stuff all over the base. What is it? Is it harmful? I see some of the same white on another hammer. What is it?
  11. A

    Sponges growing on coral

    2 types of sponges are growing on and killing my green star polyps. how do i get rid of them?
  12. D

    Mysterious yellow sponge/worm looking creature

    Can anyone please help me identify what I have growing throughout my reef tank? Are they going to become a problem? If so, does anyone know of a natural predator that would be reef safe?
  13. W

    Questions on photosynthetic sponges.

    Hello, I’ve been setting up this nice little coastal reef I’ve got all the macroalgae sand lettuce added to it that I was interested in putting in now just really letting it grow in more. Anyways my question is does anyone have experience with photosynthetic sponges? I’ve been considering one...
  14. W

    Ideas for my macroalgae tank, sponges? Possible coral ideas?

    Hey guys so let me give the quick run down, Ive recently become fascinated with mantis shrimp but I do lack the space for any large mantis shrimp so my lfs said they could either get me in lime mantis shrimp or purple spot mantis shrimp, and so to accommodate this I’m setting up a 5.5 gallon...
  15. MaraRavenous

    Is this some kind of sponge?? O.o

    So recently some weird growths have been appearing around my aquarium, sort of all over the place. They are soft, kind of porous, and an off white color, but seem to grow blue after maturing for a while. It seems the feather dusters of my aquarium find them ideal places to root into as well...
  16. A

    Sponge? Tunicate? Algae?

    Please help me identify this. It's light green, growing on my live rock.first noticed after I got some new live rock. There are now 2 - 3 of them. Each about an inch in length. My tank is a Fowlr, parameters are normal (my nitrates do go to 20 - 40). I am guessing spong or tunicate based...
  17. hardesty_keeps_reef

    Sponge or Tunicate? ID

    Hello everyone! This is my first post, I decided to reach out and see if anyone can help my ID what is growing on the base of my torch? It has been slowly getting larger for the last 6months or so, now I am noticing a little bit of color loss in the torch and I’m worried this could be the root...
  18. lonewonderer

    Black Reddish Sponge good or bad?

    Hey there! I just wanted to know if this sponge is bad for my tank. I bought a colony of zoa and after 2 months that sponge appeared. Is it a good thing or bad? TIA
  19. nomad6

    What’s growing on my snail?

    Newbie here, seen it get larger over past few weeks there’s two growths on it, Thoughts???
  20. Emi2852

    What in the world is tbis

    So I have a 20g reef tank, and recently a tuxedo urchin died in it, I found him before he completely rotted out, but since then I had a huge green algae bloom and now I found this think in the photo. Temp: 26c alk: 8.06 dkh Cal: 346 mg/l Mag: 1284mg/l I don’t have phosphate or nitrate atm, I...
  21. Kyuubi

    Love rocks with encrusting sponges, how can I aquascape underwater?

    Hi everyone, I have an aquarium with live rock in it that came with some awesome sponges on it! Right now The rocks are sitting in the empty tank as it cycles. What I’ve been wondering, is how the heck am I supposed to scape it with sponges!! I can’t take the rocks out of the water since I’m...
  22. Idaknow15

    Eggs? Sponge? Other?

    Hi all, Spotted this tonight on the “dark side” of my tank and no idea what it could be?! Looks like a spider egg sack but I can’t find anything similar online to tell me what it could be. Just wondering if it should stay or go but it’s on one of my lowest rocks so will be a faff to remove if...
  23. Seabiscuit & Friends

    Cobweb like spongey thing? Should I get rid of it?

    Anyone have experience with this stuff? About 3 days ago I noticed this white cobweb looking stuff growing on one area of a certain rock, since then it has spread to almost 1/3 of the rock. Started out real thin and loose, pretty unnoticeable, but all of a sudden it has started getting thicker...
  24. Fusillijenni

    Weird white sponge-ish growth?

    Hi everyone, this is my first post, I hope that's ok, and hope I'm doing this correctly. After neglecting my tank for a while due to pregnancy and having a newborn, I am slowly trying to get it back on track. I noticed this sponge-like growth in a dimmer part of my tank, kind of under and...
  25. jaihutcherson

    Sponge? Or Pest? Help needed please!

    Hey All!!! I have what I think is a sponge growing in the tank. Most in shaded areas but I did have a lot growing on, under, and around one of my big leather flower corals. Unfortunately I didn’t get a pic of the thing on the coral but did take a few pics of the stuff on rocks. Help identifying...
A Reef Creation