
  1. Stooby0420

    Frogspawn splitting?

    Hey guys! My frogspawn frag has been recessed a bit recently. Looking at it today I noticed it may be splitting, is this the case or something else? Thanks for the help!
  2. liddojunior

    Splitting or stressed and dying?

    I have 2 hairy mushrooms in my tank. I have a green one and a purple one. The green one despite being hosted and nibbled by a clownfish is getting bigger and puffier by the day. The purple one however has gotten smaller even tho it’s left alone by the clownfish. It started doing this weird...
  3. gatorcream

    BTA might have hurt itself splitting? Advice wanted :)

    So I have a bubble tip anemone that split today. My parameters are all good, salinity has been consistent and stable, tank is mature and lots of coralline algae growing, no issues in the tank ever since I got it (a little over a month ago) it’s been very colorful, full of air, very big and...
  4. Shaqs_Jumper

    Anemone splitting

    Hey yall I added this nem to my tank around 4 or five days ago and i woke up today to find it splitting sorta new to the nem splitting scene any tips, flow recommendations
  5. J

    Corals splitting and not opening like usual

    So i have a question. When torches split, are they supposed to lose most of the flesh that comes down the side? My torch recently split and it hasn’t been opening as big as usual. No more 2 inch tentacles now theyre all 1 inch only. And i realised the flesh that comes down the side has also...
  6. Lylelovett

    Toadstool Mushroom rotting/dying/splitting? Help please.

    Hi all, Attached are photos of my giant mushroom toadstool (that I've had for 4 years) seemingly spontaneously dying? Parameters are all in check. It started sluffing off skin, now a hole has "rotted" as you can see in the photo. When I move it and pull the flesh off it definitely has a...
  7. E

    Coral Shrinking and Splitting: Brain / Candy cane / Torch

    URGENT: Coral Shrinking and Splitting: Brain / Candy cane / Torch Parameter: kh:8 pH: 8.0 NH3: 0ppm NO3: 0.35ppm NO2: 0ppm PO4: 0.4ppm Temperature: around 80 F Tank volume: 13.5 gallon Creatures density: 1 jawfish, 1 small clownfish, 2 pompom crabs, 4 snails, 2 anemones. Hi everyone, I have...
  8. Dad2Wyatt

    Is my ricordea Florida splitting or unhappy?

    I’ve had this mushroom for about 2 weeks so far. So far in my tank I can look at it wrong and it will get ticked and curl up. I accidentally bumped the frag while cleaning yesterday and knocked it into a crevice. It curled up immediately when I replaced it, (which was not surprising after I...
  9. wonderbassist

    Bubble tip splitting frequency

    I’ve got a rose BTA that is about 10 inches now and has never split and a lot of 1-3 inch ultra speckled BTAs that split every 2-3 days. What do y’all think influences the frequency of a BTA splitting?
  10. A

    Do you remember the first time your coral split?

    Hello all! I'm a new soon to be parent to a new head on my Hammer coral. This is the first splitting my coral have done and it's really exciting to watch the process! I noticed it had its mouth out more often so I started feeding it more often. Then I noticed new hammers growing in near the...
  11. T

    ID on mushroom and if this splitting is normal?

    I just bought a new mushroom on Friday, started opening up within an hour of putting it in the tank and hasn't closed up at all, but it's splitting and I just want to make sure it's okay seeing as how I just got it. It appears like it could also be a bounce? It's forming some bubbles. Thanks
  12. J

    Anenome Splitting or Dying?

    Hey all - I have had this anemone for almost 6 months maybe longer. It has always looked amazing never any issues. Today at like noon it started just like shriveling up and looking weird, I thought it maybe ate or something. Anyways, I just looked at it and it has a huge hole in the middle. I am...
  13. IvanL

    RBTA Reproducing/Cloning itself

    My RBTA grew a second foot. Didn’t split like one would think but grew a second foot on one side that is attached now. Only showing one mouth on the original foot. So will a new mouth grow on this new foot? Insane! Just happened today. Anyone had this happen?
  14. OdetteDelacroix

    Acid Wash BTA: Rapid-Fire Splitting?!

    I woke up this morning to find that my 8” BTA split. Okay. On closer examination, it looks like she isn’t finished yet (check out the photos). Care wise, should I do anything or be worried? That’s a lot of energy being used in such a short amount of time. How long does it usually take for...
  15. S

    EMERGENCY Is my Long Tentacle Anemone splitting?

    I’ve had it for about 2 months now and it is sometimes stressed and other times not. But it’s looked like it’s on the verge of splitting all day. Am I mistaking? I’ve included pictures as well. Thanks for your help!
  16. catalystNfacade

    First coral. Hurray! Wait is it dying?

    Do you think the lavender mushroom above is dying or splitting into two? I swear it's growing a second butthole but it's my first coral and I really don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not doing so well, story below. On the other hand, to my completely untrained eye, it also looks...
  17. wolt

    Is this torch splitting

    Torch splitting??? And also is this indo torch
  18. H

    Hammer splitting?

    My hammer has been deflated for a couple of days. I got it around 2 weeks ago. Today I noticed it has at least four mouths... is it splitting? I also noticed some of it looks like frogspawn?
  19. Brian Goldstein

    Anemone Splitting. How long does it take your net to split?

    Hello all- This is the first time I've had an anemone split on me. Haven't got much done today because I've been stuck in front of my tank lol. It's a really intriguing process to witness. At first I thought it was melting, but then noticed 2 separate foots firmly attached and lengthening of...
  20. lonewonderer

    Splitting or dying??? help!!!

    hello, after cycling i transfered all my corals slowly in a spam of 2 weeks. Now my sunkist bounce once were 3” now looks like its dying or splitting. Anybody knows what this is?? Thanks
  21. Renelope

    RBTA Help!

    Purchased a beautiful large rbta about a month ago, he came on a small piece of live rock, but about 2 days after placing him in the tank he moved to the bottom corner of the tank, and since then has moved several times out of any flow, and in lower light. It look like he is trying to split...
  22. A

    BTA caught in filter intake -- splitting, then not splitting -- help!

    Hi everyone! I just created an account to try and get some insight into what is going on with my BTA. I've creeped these forums for a few months now, but I haven't been able to find an answer to my question, hence the thread! Quick background: I have a 90 gallon saltwater tank that's been up...
Biota Marine Life