spawning coral

  1. treebear87

    Is this a torch spewing eggs?

    Hi all! I’ve been watching this torch today because it looked fine in the am then at about 2pm it looked super whimpy and was releasing a clear mucus with white dots in it. The fish were trying to eat it so after doing a brief web search I decided to turn off the pumps etc and stand guard...
  2. Asagi

    2 acro spawning events in September (NSFW narration)

    Hi Friends, my acros spawned 2 times this month. These silly curls! Have a look in the links below. Spawning Event 1 Spawning Event 2
  3. M

    Are those Hammer / Torch babies?

    A few weeks earlier i noticed these little corals on my living rock. Are they babies from my torch or hammer? Never saw that before
  4. kkircher

    Is this coral spawning?

    I walked into my living room and found this frogspawn shooting out a cloud of something about every 30 seconds or so. Is this coral spawning?
  5. TurmanLucas

    Solar intensity

    Does anyone know where to find information about the solar intensity of the coral reefs throughout the year as the seasons change the amount of light the corals get is important to coral spawning and I’m trying to spawn some colonies in my tank with the help of apex’s season table, simulating...
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