
  1. goldfish423

    Lights off babies near sand.

    Looking for ID however I’m not concerned and I’m sure they will become food. Sucked them up with a pipette near sand they are kinda swarming. My stock, Pitho crabs, Reef cleaners cleanup crew variety of snails Emerald crabs 10 small hermits mixed. only pair of fish would be blue green chromis...
  2. Mikey-D

    LOVE my Ecosystem

    My snails were doing naughty things. My acro are all responding well. So proud tonight to watch things thriving.
  3. RdawgsReefs


    I'm very new to this so this is very far off for me but to me this is the epitome of coral husbandry so everything leads to it. Its the reason I got into the hobby. From what I know, getting coral to spawn/reproduce instead of fragging is few and far between. Ive only personally read about it...
  4. treebear87

    Is this a torch spewing eggs?

    Hi all! I’ve been watching this torch today because it looked fine in the am then at about 2pm it looked super whimpy and was releasing a clear mucus with white dots in it. The fish were trying to eat it so after doing a brief web search I decided to turn off the pumps etc and stand guard...
  5. dbati

    Possible Crab Spawn?

    I’m not sure how this works but it looks like I have baby somethings all over the place. This was filmed last night. This morning there is no trace of them but I’ll keep you posted if they’re back at night. The only thing they can be is baby crabs as I don’t have 2 of anything else in my...
  6. C

    Trochus Snails Spawning

    My trochus snails are spawning and some other forum posts show hundreds of tiny, baby snails, occasionally clogging up some equipment. Is there anything I could do to prevent this from happening? I have some small blue banded hermit crabs but I'm not sure if they can get many of them.
  7. ThRoewer

    Regal Angels spawning

    Tonight I caught my Maldives Regal Angels spawning. The egg release is at the very end of the video.
  8. wvfeefkeeper80

    Strange and Spawning

    Was chilling in front of the tank this morning and observed some spawn being released. At first I thought it was brittle stars spawning which I’ve seen them do before. When I looked closer I saw a small round critter, with antenna, and these two pink protrusions where the spawn was being...
  9. B

    maxi mini spawned

    so as of writing this my maxi mini is spawning. we have gone through a heat wave all of a sudden and the change in ambient temp seemed to start this. i have collected these green balls that i assume are going to become new anemones. question is are they viable? i am moving them to a 2.5g with...
  10. reefrubble

    Spawning Bristle Worms

    As if bristle worms weren't already prolific enough, today I captured this video of a full-blown bristle worm spawning frenzy. Although the video is undoubtedly a disgusting spectacle, the circumstances under which it happened were quite catastrophic. Over the past month, I have been slowly...
  11. MrBubble47

    Trochus spawning event

    Today saw one my Trochus snails releasing sperm. He kept doing that for 40/60 minutes. Does this happen together with one or more other snails releasing eggs? If you have pics or videos of your own snails doing the same, please post it on this thread. ;) VIDEO: Trochus snail spawning event
  12. Reefer37

    Internal Parasites or Pregnant Clown?

    I have a pair of clowns that have been together a little over a year now. I'd say the male is 2 years old and female 3 or 4. They've been behaving very much like pre-spawn for the first time with the male clearing out a spot (picking up sand and moving it) and both clearing out areas and doing...
  13. kels64

    New babies?

    Well yesterday was catastrophe and this morning maybe the possibility of new life? I said in the video it was a cerith snail but it’s actually a nassarius. Anyway she laid a bunch of eggs on the glass and I’m going to try to protect them and see if I get baby snails. Very exciting!
  14. D. Torres

    Snails spawned. Should I be concerned?

    Just now I had all 10 of my trochus snails spaw in my 20g nano. Should I be concerned? The water is looks a little cloudy and I can see a lot of eggs floating around. Do I need to do a water change? Is it going to affect my parameters? Thanks in advance.
  15. Jax15

    Ever seen a tuxedo urchin spawn?

    The other day I noticed that my tuxedo urchin had climbed to the top of a rock, and started spewing powdery stuff from its top. It continued to pour out for 20 min or so, seemed never ending (the fish loved it! A mid-day snack). I've heard of clams doing this, but have never seen anything like...
  16. Castaway6

    Collecting clownfish fry from display tank

    Hi, quick question about the process. I have the vossens larval trap and plan to raise my first batch of clown fry. When I shut off all equipment the night of hatching, do I need to have a bubbler/air stone blowing over the eggs for the couple hours at night? Or just leave everything how it...
  17. BloopFish

    Weird Egg with flagellum? Polyp? Coral or crab eggs?

    Hey guys, I found some weird purple egg looking things floating around - I've never seen something like this. This occurred at night around 12:00 am. I recently did a large water change after a 2 week leave, so I am guessing that's what triggered it. I have many things that it might be from... I...
  18. K

    Coral and Anemone Spawning Events in Aquaria

    Hi all, I have been in the coral spawning world for a few years now in the academic route, but have always been an aquarist also. In the past couple years, I have noticed some amazing successes with coral spawning events in captivity from Horniman Museum, California Academy of Science, and...
  19. shiftline

    Have you had Corals spawn in your Reef Aquarium?

    Last week i was in Toronto Canada and had the pleasure of visiting Reef Wholesale to film some video. One of the topics that came up with Coral spawning in the aquarium. How many if you have had corals release eggs or spawn in your systems?
  20. J

    Anemone spawning!

    This morning as i was looking at my tank just after the lights came on, i noticed white milky fluid coming out of my bta. I thought it was pooping at first but then I remembered seeing anemone poop and it Doesn’t look like that lol. So i searched and found out that it was spawning. Is that a...
  21. lukaszra

    Labroides dimidiatus spawning in a big aquarium :)

    Hello we have just experienced a spawning in 6000L aquarium take a look , you can see a white bubbles of spawn :)
  22. Ecvernon

    Video: Blue throat trigger fish spawning

    Blue throat trigger fish spawning!! When the eggs were released, the other fish went into a feeding frenzy! I've had them for 1 year and 9 months. They were not purchased as a pair. Actually, they had no interest in each other for about the 1st year.
  23. sil40sx

    My RBTA Spawning

    Couple hours after the lights were off, I caught my anemone spawning. Poor fish, he’s confused and don’t know what’s going on. LOL Now, time for a water change in the middle of the night. Ugh
  24. Musclebai

    coral mass spawning

    happened to notice a coral spawning event in my aquarium yesterday[maybe solar eclipse initiated ?] my sinularia leather was releasing thousands of little mini maxi anemone released its egg/sperms in short bursts.overall it lasted 30 minutes since i noticed is crappy
  25. AmatuerAuer

    Are my fish spawning? Help ID'ing night phenomenon

    I have 2 clowns, 3 firefish, a kole tang, powder brown and fox face in my 120g. Tonight after the lights went out I was looking in the tank with the light from my phone and I noticed dozens of small swimming..things. They are the shape of the firefish, whitish, some orangish.. Too big to be...