
  1. RIPLEYreef

    Build Thread 4 month update celebrated with hammer spawn

    Just an update on my system. Started for the first time using dry rock and live sand. Started the rock in trash cans while I set the tank up. We added our first fish.. a pair of extreme bullet hole clowns on Dec 6th along with some bacteria, just to be safe. Struggled a bit to keep the nitrates...
  2. Joseram95

    Clownfish spawn issues.

    How are you all, I’m just new to the world of clownfish breeding so I had couple of questions. first my clownfish started spawning like 6 weeks ago, this is by far the third time spawning,( however they all without success) so I discovered, when the female lay the eggs, somehow they’re not the...
  3. Jax15

    Ever seen a tuxedo urchin spawn?

    The other day I noticed that my tuxedo urchin had climbed to the top of a rock, and started spewing powdery stuff from its top. It continued to pour out for 20 min or so, seemed never ending (the fish loved it! A mid-day snack). I've heard of clams doing this, but have never seen anything like...
  4. dzolot

    Cleaner shrimp spawn

    I apologize for the horrible video and picture quality, but i think my cleaner shrimp spawned tonight!!?? These are pictures of the pregnant mamma moments before. Video is of the spawn, but not sure it’s loaded correctly anyway, my question is - how can i harvest some of these babies so that...
  5. vokrey09

    Did my BTA spawn in my zoas?

    I bought a BTA (which was sold to me as a LTA :/ ) and it would not stop moving around my tank at first. It eventually walked all over a patch of zoas. I noticed after this a pink slime-like substance at the roots of the zoas, and honestly thought they had been stung and were as good as dead...
  6. shiftline

    Have you had Corals spawn in your Reef Aquarium?

    Last week i was in Toronto Canada and had the pleasure of visiting Reef Wholesale to film some video. One of the topics that came up with Coral spawning in the aquarium. How many if you have had corals release eggs or spawn in your systems?
  7. J

    Anemone spawning!

    This morning as i was looking at my tank just after the lights came on, i noticed white milky fluid coming out of my bta. I thought it was pooping at first but then I remembered seeing anemone poop and it Doesn’t look like that lol. So i searched and found out that it was spawning. Is that a...
  8. lukaszra

    Labroides dimidiatus spawning in a big aquarium :)

    Hello we have just experienced a spawning in 6000L aquarium take a look , you can see a white bubbles of spawn :)
  9. AmatuerAuer

    Are my fish spawning? Help ID'ing night phenomenon

    I have 2 clowns, 3 firefish, a kole tang, powder brown and fox face in my 120g. Tonight after the lights went out I was looking in the tank with the light from my phone and I noticed dozens of small swimming..things. They are the shape of the firefish, whitish, some orangish.. Too big to be...
  10. OrionN

    Flame Angels Courtship and Spawn

    This evening, I got home early and was able to see my tank as the light dimmed down. One of my female Flame Angels was engorged with eggs. So much so that it seem she is about to bust. I know from previous experience that she will spawn imminently so I took my phone out hoping to be able to...
  11. Dalton Hunter

    My RFA finally spawned!

    Came home tonight from the beach and got to catch this!
  12. Dalton Hunter

    Rock flower anemone spawning

    So Last night my Mini Maxi released a huge load of eggs over a period of about 2 hours from when I got home, (no idea when it started). Today my rock flowers anemones (15) are all standing up and have their mouthes slightly open. I plan on turning off my sump return pump and leaving on the power...
  13. Dalton Hunter

    The day my Mini Maxis spawned

    Last night I was lucky enough to come home from work to catch my mini maxi's spawning. Feel free to ask any questions :) I can tell you, I do water changes about once every two months, I never test water parameters, and I use tap water... I know you are all probably cringing at the sound of...