
  1. toor.attar

    Stocking!! Which Coral & Fish??

    Hello! I currently have a 15 gallon IM marine that is done cycling and I need help stocking! I am planning on adding a pair of Black Storm Clowns and doing a mixed reef. I am thinking of doing just soft corals and some Lps as this is my first time keeping coral (not saltwater fish). What I am...
  2. Rollthedicereef

    Build Thread Yes it's ANOTHER Fluval Flex 32.5g build...

    After joining the hobby 2+ years ago in 2020 with a Fluval Evo 13.5g I decided I'm addicted enough to upgrade to a larger tank so I can keep more corals and fish. I shopped around a lot looking at various tanks both off the shelf and custom, my ideal would be custom but I really don't want to...
  3. jgalina

    Seeking advice on my new GSP, still retracted and growing a brown mucus

    Hello! I’m new to marine aquariums and I just added my first corals. I have a Fluval EVO 13.5, with an AI Prime light, Sicca 1.0 pump upgrade. Added a Green Dragon Eye Zoa, a Yellow Submarine Favia and a GSP. The Zoa and Favia seem to be doing fine, but the GSP is not doing great, still...
  4. Kota

    Coralife Seascape 18"-24"

    I currently am using the Coralife Seascape on my 20 Gallon High it currently only has fish and cuc after 9 months, my question is would this light provide enough PAR for some softies lps and anemones? If yes to any please give some suggestions if no please suggest lights that could take care of...
  5. D

    NICREW HYPER REEF 50W -- Any Experience on quality, coral growth and optimum mix?

    Hey guys, being new here I wanted to explore further on lighting and the experience people have had with the Nicrew hyper reef kit. I have been using one for 4 months on my 120 litre aquarium. Having faced a pretty big catastrophe recently with my reef tank, I wanted to understand lighting...
  6. 7F7154C3-3CE9-4B22-BDB6-1BE15F83C94F.jpeg


    So much green in this tank.
  7. taylorn13

    I’m worried about my xenia...

    Hi guys! I just purchased my first corals on Thursday. I got a Zoanthid and Xenia frag. Zoanthids have been doing great in my tank so far. They even opened up the very next day when I turned the light on for the first time. My Xenia is a different story. I purchased a xenia on a frag plug and...
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