soft coral tank

  1. Gretchacha

    Build Thread ULM 30G SW nano reef conversion

    Hi! First post to my build thread. I’m converting a 30G waterbox rimless FW aquascape to an ultra low maintenance (ULM) nano reef. I will run the same filter slightly differently - Oase biomaster thermo 250. The goal is a bright tropical look with gorgonians, soft and LPS corals. I enjoyed the...
  2. Rollthedicereef

    Hello Mt first tanks 2nd year birthday & I just joined here, hello!

    I had always wanted a reef tank since I was a teen in the mid 90s. I had shelved the idea of a saltwater tank thinking it was going to be insanely complicated and expensive, but during the start of lockdown I started binging on reef tank videos on YouTube for a little escapism and learnt tech...
  3. CmMagenta

    New to seahorses

    I have 150 gallon tank I set up a year ago for soft corals and a mandarin goby. 2 weeks ago I added 4 seahorses and a fire goby. They don’t do much, so I would like to add more fish but would love suggestions first. I’m new to seahorses, is 4 enough? They seem super social with each other. I...
  4. abagail

    Light Suggestions

    So I'm planning on getting a new light(s) for my 90 gallon aquarium but with this I would honestly love some suggestions. Im planning to have a reef tank (soft corals). I currently have a Coralife T5 metal halide light but the two bigger lights have burned out and im unsure if i should replace...
  5. aquaman3680

    Build Thread Aquaman's 75g Reef - Back After 12 years away!

    After 12 years away from the hobby, I've officially started up a tank again, and it just all feels right! I started in the hobby when I was 12 working at fish stores, I worked in different stores for 10 years and having reef tanks at home. It was always a hobby my dad and I shared and at one...
  6. JGTPA

    Stocking Suggestions

    I'm looking for suggestions on species for my next fish. I have a 120 gallon / 90gal display. Goal is soft corals but want to focus on mostly active fish. Currently I have the following fish: - foxface - 2 ocellaris clowns - 3 Dispar anthias - 1 Blue eye kole tang Corals: - zoas - GSP -...
  7. first draft of aquascape

    first draft of aquascape

    On the left it is a mount touching the back pane and resesing towards the tower and the fron glass , with a 5-10cm space to the left glass. It has a plato supported in 1 leg leaving swimming space bellow - the plato looks kinda like a tongue in the top view. On the center and right is an island with
  8. Cj2322

    Xenia vs. Sinularia who will win?

    Hello all! I have recently started adding corals to my 20 gal. Innovative Marine tank. The tank has been up and running for just over a year but as I am new to reefing I decided to go with all soft corals. My plan was to have a pulsing xenia colony take over a rock but I have really been drawn...
  9. Ichtha_yo Stuff

    Build Thread Multi-Tank LPS, Softie, Mangrove system

    I decided to post my build of my multi-tank system designed to house and group corals in multiple displays sharing a common filtration system for ease of maintenance. The idea of having multiple tanks that I can separate the needs of specific groups of corals in separate systems appeals to me. I...
  10. #R_TST

    Recommended Testing Equipment? AIO?

    I'm just getting started and wondering if there are any recommendations for water testing equipment? I was eyeballing the Seneye Reef Aquarium Monitor, but am seeing a lot of mixed reviews. Hanna has a lot of individual digital testers. Is there something like the seneye with better reliability...
  11. Marco9926

    ATS Only Nanoreef

    Hey there, This is my nanoreef, driven only by Algae Scrubber. What do you think about it? the video is taken from my personal Italian Guide about ATS, so don’t care about the audio but focus on what you can see! tell me what do you think about it! Plz!!! link: Acquario Marino, Metodo ATS...
  12. S

    GSP curling

    I have a rock of gsp that curls outward when my light comes on. it is in medium flow area and bottom of my Nuvo 10. You think it's getting too much light?
  13. reefmasterdomi

    Your Nano Reef Aquarium!

    Hi, I want to see all of your guys’ nano reef tanks!! Please post pics if you have a tiny reef :) This is my Fluval spec iii turned marine aquarium. The only thing I changed was the light to a Kessil A80. Cheers!
  14. lazycouch

    Build Thread soft corals??

    hey! anyone here have an all softy tank?? if so can i see some pics! a list of corals you have in there would be cool also!! thanks (:
  15. reefmasterdomi

    White spots on Discosoma Mushroom

    Hi, I recently picked up some corals off a friend and this random mushroom was closed and tucked on the back on the rock. He came loose and floated around until i caught him & put him into my loose mushroom cup. he eventually attached to a rock. Now that he’s open I got a semi decent picture of...
  16. Reefnoob13

    CUC when to add

    My 50 gallon aquarium has cycled. My question is when I should add a CUC and what are recommendations for a CUC. I plan on having two clowns, Six line wrasse, Royal Gramma, and possibly one more (would like opinion for another) or concerns of list. I plan on just running soft corals to start and...
  17. surcalation

    Large Build UK 250gal soft coral tank using Reef Zlements

    After such a warm welcome in the welcoming section and a few questions of "show us your build" here is the start of my reefing journey. This is my 4th fish tank and 2nd marine tank. My first marine tank was running for 6 years before it was closed down due to a suspected tank leak and upcoming...
  18. Keith_0011

    Questions for Ricordea Florida experts

    OK. I'm looking to fine tune a Ricordea florida exhibit at work. Some of them look fine, but others are shrinking and I cannot put my finger on why. 60 gallon custom made glass tank made by TankMeUSA. 24"x24"x25" Kessil 360 W Tuna blue light about 8"over the top of the water. Light at about...
  19. B

    Is this Blue Clove coral?

    Is this blue clove coral? If so, should I get rid of it right away? Or can it be isolated on an island? I just bought a couple hammer/zoa frags from a guy the other day and saw these in his tank. I'm new to this so I asked what they were. I can't remember what he said, but he said it's his...
  20. AshwinRavi

    AI Prime HD vs Current USA IC Loop PRO

    Hello, reefers! My tank is 75G, 48" wideX18" long X21" deep. I went from 2X165W Chinese LED to Current USA IC loop pro(2x48" strip). I like the sleekness of the lights but I am afraid I don't have enough PAR for my corals. I have mostly soft corals with some LPS, & no intention of moving to...
  21. Eva Rose

    65 gal Stocking Suggestions

    I am working on a stocking list for a 65 gal tank with softie corals. But I'm only in the initial planning phase. Fish aren't listed in the order, they will be introduced (just draft list). *Flame Hawk- love , love this fish Mimic Saddle Puffer (valentini puffer mimic) (Paraluterus...
World Wide Corals