soft coral growth

  1. J

    Controlling Clove Polyp

    Hi everybody, My clove polyp grew faster and more robustly than anything else in my 9-month old tank. It's on the verge of taking over! It's attached to a central rock that's not easily removable. Any suggestions on how to control it? Can I prune it like a bush in the tank? Will that release...
  2. TwiTch18

    Reaching for light? or just growing?

    Howdy, fairly new here and I was wondering if these corals are reaching for light or they are just growing? They are relatively new and they have propped right up the last two days or so. Just wondering if they are needing more light or something? I'm always paranoid about my tank so any help...
  3. T

    No ZOA/Soft/LPS/SPS growth and xenia is wilting away

    I have a 29 gallon standard that has been running since 11/13/21 and I've had no growth of any coral at all. My parameters seem to be okay Mag :1260 Calcium: 500 Nitrate: ~5 PH: 8 KH: 11.3 Salinity: 1.023 Phosphate kit expired I run a Seachem tidal 35 HOB with matrix and Chempure GFO with an...
  4. Bankertanker

    Stopping GSP from growing

    Hello everyone, I was wondering my GSP over the past few weeks blew up and is not stopping to grow (Not that its an issue) i don't want it to overtake the whole tank, Is there a way to stop them from growing, or to control how they grow? Thanks in advance.
  5. D

    How high is too high? --->NITRATE for Softies and LPS

    How much Nitrate in an LPS and Softie dominant tank is considered too high? Mine are between 20 - 50 ppm and after spending months with Nitrate at 0, I am not sure if I want to lower it.
  6. J

    Water Changes For Softies Tank

    Hey everyone, My 90 gallon softie dominant reef has been running for over 7 months now, and so far I’ve gotten little to no coral growth. The tanks got some sarcophytons/devils hands, vargas cespitularia, and gorgonians. The only growth I’ve seen is the cespitularia. All fish are reef safe and...
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