#soft coral

  1. B

    Zoanthid not opening up

    So I’ve got this zoanthid that been in the tank for years and even grew a baby, about 2 months back I upgraded my tank to a 90gal and no matter what I do I can’t get this thing to open up.mind you I own several sps and lps colony’s along with a toadstool that all are nice and healthy.what should...
  2. B

    Emergency help on toadstool!

    I have no clue what’s happening to my toadstool and I’m very worried thought it was shedding then this started happening polyps have been coming out but I just don’t know what’s happening witht the white stuff?
  3. B

    What’s happening with my toadstool coral?!

    So I’ve had a amazing toadstool coral for about a month now and it’s been doing great but around 3 days ago it closed up and fored this brown film on specif parts of it. Just today the waxy brown fill is gone leaving behind white patches. The toadstool is in a very good flow area (I like to see...
  4. B

    Is my toadstool coral shedding?

    Have had for over a month parameters are all good if need be I can post exact parameters, lights are bright white just for the picture