sodium nitrate

  1. smartwater101

    Dosing Sodium Nitrate...

    LoudWolf Sodium Nitrate: Tank: 167g Nitrate: ~1 (red sea) Phosphate: .06 (Hanna) dKH: 9.1 - 9.4 (Hanna, Red Sea, Alkatronic) pH: 8.0 - 8.2 (Milwaukee probe/Apex) I've been upping feedings and reducing...
  2. LV3

    0 Nitrates so I dosed Sodium Nitrate

    Seems this is a popular topic lately and with BRSTV's episode on chaeto and refugium lighting I thought I would share my experience with low nitrates. About 45 days ago I switched over to the Kessil H380 and started growing chaeto like it was my job. Not knowing when I should prune it, I let it...
  3. reefk

    Sodium Nitrate Dosing...Help!!

    Need help with preparing a stock solution to get my Nitrate to 5 ppm, currently it is reading close to 0 ppm. Tank volume & sump volume combined with be 135 gallon after discounting rock displacement. I have laboratory grade Sodium nitrate but need help on calculating how much grams to add to 1...
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