
  1. Tyler N

    Filter sock alternatives?

    Hey all, I have an IM 50gal AIO Lagoon right now, with a filter sock on one side of the rear filtration and a bio caddy on the other. I'm looking for replacements for the filter socks, as I have heard there are much more effective options and changing the socks every 3 days is a pain. What would...
  2. Josh@BVA

    Minimal Filtration Methods

    So Im curious at the levels of success people have had with a minimalistic approach to filtration. Right now i run NO SOCKS, NO SKIMMER and just a ton of bio from a 4-6 inch sand bed in main display, a bunch of rock and some bio balls in the sump. every now and then when I do a big feeding i'll...
  3. mawhins

    DIY Roller Mat Filter

    Ok so I've been coveting a roller mat filter and when I look at them (as I do with pretty much anything) I think to myself, that's just some acrylic with a motor doohicky and simple float switch, I'm not paying that much for one of those. They're actually quite expensive here in Australia - $600...
  4. Jholley565

    Texas $3 felt filter socks 200 micron

    I made entirely too many filter socks so now I need to get rid of them. They are 4x10 and they will fit any sump/holder. You can also use a drawstring. Shipping is $4-7 depending on location. I have as many as you want. I mad WAY too many.
Tenecor Aquariums