
  1. R

    Snowflake Eel Setup

    Hi guys, so I recently bought a 55 gallon setup and I’m getting it ready to hopefully put a snowflake eel in. I attempted to set up the live rock like caves for it, but I was wondering if it looked okay or if anyone had tips? And if anyone knows how to secure it so the eel can’t topple them...
  2. H

    Snow flake eel sick?

    Hey yall, we have a snowflake eel, he’s probably around 6-7 years old. He was a few inches long when we got him and he’s now over a foot and a half long. Recently he’s stopped eating. I’ve noticed also, he’s got a rather large bulge and his colour doesnt’t look as bright. He’s not swimming...
  3. T

    What is up with my Puffers and eel?

    So about two months ago I bought a green spotted puffer fish and a snowflake eel (so they think). The two were fine in the shop tank ignoring each other and all. Went I got home they were fine together for a month and a half. Then my pufferfish vanished. I searched around the tank in the filter...