snail eggs

  1. Padawan

    Any Idea what this is??

    Hey Guys, any idea what these things are sticking out of the sand bed? They appeared over night. Recently added a Copperband and Six-line Wrasse. Display tank 1 Copperband Six Line Wrasse, Yellow Wrasse 1 Sand Sifting Gobie 2 Clowns 2 Chromis 1 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Cardinal Fish 2 Turbo snails 3...
  2. wvfeefkeeper80

    Unknown and unmoving

    I noticed this on the rear of my tank last week while doing a water change. At first I thought it was a snail. This week, still there and no movement. Is this just something stuck my tank or something growing?
  3. S

    Anyone know what could have spawned this??

    I have a long spine urchin, tuxedo urchin, various hermits, emerald crabs, snowflake eels, and file fish.
  4. kels64

    New babies?

    Well yesterday was catastrophe and this morning maybe the possibility of new life? I said in the video it was a cerith snail but it’s actually a nassarius. Anyway she laid a bunch of eggs on the glass and I’m going to try to protect them and see if I get baby snails. Very exciting!
  5. C

    Help ID eggs on Glass

    Hi there, We just got a saltwater tank a few months ago. It is up and running with fish now and we noticed these weird eggs on the glass. I scrubbed them off but they keep coming back. Are they a parasite? Or some type of snail egg? A small baby snail has been found so it is possible some snails...
  6. clockman

    Help in ID eggs on glass

    Are these astrea snail eggs? Nassarius? Turbo? Those are the only snails I have. I think all my cerith snails have disappeared/died.
  7. D. Torres

    Snails spawned. Should I be concerned?

    Just now I had all 10 of my trochus snails spaw in my 20g nano. Should I be concerned? The water is looks a little cloudy and I can see a lot of eggs floating around. Do I need to do a water change? Is it going to affect my parameters? Thanks in advance.
  8. littlemacros

    Will all these eggs hatch?

    So my two pro escape artist nerite snails decided to lay eggs about two weeks ago...all over my tank. Literally on the rocks, the pumps, even on my beloved turbo snail, Vagine. Most of the egg sacs on the glass have been developing it seems. I say this because when they were first layed they...
  9. littlemacros

    Is this an egg sac on my glass?

    Sorry this post is all over the place. I found this thing on my glass last night and decided to take some pictures today. Any guesses would be great. When I lightly poke it contorts then whatever is inside goes back to a full circle...what could this be? And is this a hydroid? It looks like a...
  10. taylorn13

    Uhhhh... My nassarius snail keeps laying eggs

    Sooooo, I purchased 2 nassarius snails and 2 nerites for my 20g tank after the first sight of diatoms (my tank is barely 2 months old). The first time I saw the eggs was probably a week ago. Wasn’t really completely sure what they were (eggs did not even come to mind). I knew they were from my...
  11. Mike N

    Snail Egg Rope

    Came home to some snail eggs unraveling into a very strong rope. I've seen tons of the egg clutches over the years, but have never seen this happen. Its currently about 36" and withstanding some heavy current. Other end of the tank:
  12. Schnizzle

    Spiral of eggs and baby snails

    Two for one here: Question 1 is what are the eggs pictured below from? They are all over the place. I have searched for a few days now and cannot find an answer. It is about 3/16" or 5mm. I have introduced 2 Astraea (I believe, pictured below), ~18 Cerith snails and 6 dwarf blue leg hermits...
  13. Idoc

    ID help, please

    I don't believe these to be bad hitchhikers, or at least I'm going not. I assumed they were snail eggs, but they seem to look different than the cerith or nerite eggs I've had in my glass already. These are small, clear sacks with several tiny white balls inside. They are attached to the...
  14. reefruss

    Ok kids, what might these be?

    I was just about to clean the tank, ergo the crap growing on the walls, and I found this interesting object. I'm thinking snail eggs myself. Any guesses before I wipe them out?
Reef Kinetics