smart awc

  1. cwerner

    Hydros AWC sanity check

    Hello, I'm currently planning the build out of an AWC system with my Hydros and wanted a quick sanity check to make sure what I was planning is possible within the app. Currently I have a 50 gallon IM AIO that I'd like to start performing 2% daily AWC changes for with my Hydros. I have the...
  2. Iwannaflyguy

    Automated Water Changers (AWC's) - Use One? DIY or Commerical Offering? What Scale (AWC tankage and aquarium tankage)? -

    Automated Water Changers (AWC's) - Use One? DIY or Commerical Offering? What Scale (AWC tankage and aquarium tankage)? I am back into reef-keeping after over 10 years of being away from that particular science. In that time there has been quite an explosion of methodology, technology and...
  3. J

    Build Thread FIRST BUILD and FIRST REEF TANK: 425XL Reefer

    Hello, I have had a few ask me to share my build as it may give ideas to others. Happy to but I should stress this is my first reef tank....and first build. I have certainly learned along the way and it took me a while to "complete" as I only had a couple hours here and there...and on only a...
  4. Wicksy

    Build Thread Wicksy's Evo 13.5 Journal

    Hey guys this is going to be a journal of my Fluval Evo 13.5 Heads up I've never had a journal before so I might be all over the place and this is my first salt water tank. I've had this tank running for over a year now it hasn't been doing much until recently so let's get started. 13.5 Gallon...
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