slug id

  1. L

    Red and white caterpillar worm id

    I got 20 pounds of live rock that came with a ton of cool mushrooms and I put it in my qt this morning when it was still dark I saw this caterpillar looking creature that is red with white spots and horns I've looked for hours what it could be but I haven't matched a picture yet can you help...
  2. Yerxi

    Invert identification

    Found dude bro in my tank. Not sure what he is, if he’s harmful or what he eats but I didn’t put him there and my puffer is very interested in him. He took a couple bites out of him in the video. But he has tiny little black eyes and what seems like a hard back the puffer couldn’t bite through...
  3. Daveouthere

    ID Please

    Hey all, I’m transferring some stuff into another tank and seen this guy slithering? Anyone know what the heck this creature is?
  4. F

    Need to id this starfish or slug

    I think I will need your help with these new neighbors. I call Google and have a beer while searching but I can't find what kind of starfish or slug it is. I only have one guy here because the other one was too shy for a photo shoot. Also these 2 pictures are the best I can take due to the...
  5. Austin_Bayarea21

    Can someone help identify this critter?

    My snails have been mysteriously disappearing so I cleaned out my sump today and found this in the rocks can someone help identify this? I suspect this has been leaving empty shells around my sump
  6. Baebae

    Can someone help identify this slug thing?

    I was watching my tank while feeding and saw some movement. I'm new to the hibby so I don't know a lot of different organisms.. anyone know what this is?? I think it might be a sea slug (cuz it moves just like a snail or slug) but I cant find anything that looks like it online. Should I be...
  7. walloutlet

    Black Slug/Worm? - ID Help Please

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday! I was getting through some weekend maintenance before the big game and noticed this black object embedded in some Zoas. Didn’t think much of it until I noticed it had little antennas. I’ve never seen a black worm/slug like this before. Any thoughts?