
  1. agame2021

    what the heck is this?!

    So I am emptying my entire system after about 5 months running… and I find this in the sump it sat stagnant for about 20 hours give or take. It’s looking like a sheet of mucus or plastic but it’s in a shiny clear sheet… but it is in a few different places. I only had a poly(which gave me a run...
  2. Accidentalreefers

    Dinoflagellates or diatoms?

    Dinoflagellates or diatoms?, brown/reddish with a slimy coat on top, but it doesnt have the snotty bubble tips like dinoflagellates does. What you y'all think?
  3. Maobea

    Brownish/Reddish Stuff

    Hi All, I've got this reddish/brownish thing that keeps growing in my sand. I stir the sand almost daily, but the next day it's back on my sand bed. It almost looks like diatoms, but I'm not sure that's what it is. My tank is a little over a year old. At this point I'm thinking either dino or...
  4. RickG

    White slim bacterial bloom

    Hey guys. So I currently have a white slim bacterial bloom that I got from dosing nopox. Wondering what you guys recommend to treat it. Currently trying to wet skim and stopped all nopox dosing. Any help will be appreciated
  5. Isaac Alves

    White "slime-coat" marks on Clown. Treated with Furan-2. Need help with ID.

    I need some help identifying if something is off with my little clown. He's in my second system and the display refugium now. I put him through a full duration of Furan-2 to address if the white skin mark was a slime coat issue or an infection from a wound. I just put him back after being in...