
  1. Scaggs1117

    API stress coat…good product ?

    Whatsup fellas….so when adding fish, i know the net disturbs the slime cost on the fish. Is StressCoat by API a good product? And if so is their dose valid? I ask because it’s A slimy product and I don’t know will that mess up the water composition? And also how long does the actual product...
  2. yanni

    Green slime algae

    Hey all! So my tank has only recently been set up, it’s about a month and a half old. I used live rock that was being baked in a bucket for about 4 months prior to setting up, it only was ghost fed, no corals or anything on it, closed system. I’ve recently had this green slime algae pop up...
  3. D

    EMERGENCY Orange slime on Coral and In sump and birdsnest

    It won’t let me take off the emergency button but anyways I’m having a weird problem with this orange like slime that was growing on my corals and then I realized it was growing in my sump I’ll attach pictures. It’s not cyano bc I think cyano is red and I used chemiclean awhile ago but it didn’t...
  4. b0bburg3r

    None stop bacterial bloom 5 weeks long

    Hello I hate to ask for help. After some time I finally realized my fish were breathing heavy from a bacterial bloom. To save the fish I would change the water. Then it would come back. Three fish stores testing my water, with me testing daily I can’t figure it out. Here is a picture before and...
  5. road102

    What is this "aquatic web"??

    Hello! Any ideas about what this could be? manual removal doesn't help much, it keeps coming over and over again... Looks like a web to me, or some sort of slime/mucus coming out from a critter, or maybe something from the mushrooms themselves? Thanks
  6. Z

    EMERGENCY White flaky slime growing all over rocks

    Fairly new to reefing. Had a 55gal reef tank for 10 months and never had a single outbreak of anything. Woke up one morning and the glass had cracked. Now have a 100 gal tank and just finished setting it up. Found some live rock where I live and have been cycling my tank for a few days now...
  7. dbati

    Diatoms on newly introduced rocks only

    Hi all, I added some old dry rock a couple weeks ago and I started noticing a couple days ago a brown film on them. Today I can clearly see it is like a brown slime. They have some tiny micro bubbles starting to lift it so I can definitely see the slimey-ness. The rocks I added were some old...
  8. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Brown, goopy, snotty algae? (Pics)

    What is this? Will it go away? How to stop or remove it? Video of the snot... Some Microscope pics of a sample of it... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Video if your interested...
  9. John.Thompson

    EMERGENCY Clear slime on Favia?! Just stressed and irritated?

    Recently put a few coral into my new tank. It was cycled and all stats measured great. A “perfectly” adjusted tank. This morning on about day two, the Favia has this clear slime and opened up?? Does this look like a soon to be dead coral or nothing to worry about?! All other coral seem to be...
  10. K

    Need help id and treatment plan.

    This is my first saltwater tank and has been set up for 3 months now. It is a red sea 625xxl This problem started out looking like dino or diatoms. More brown in color with tentacle like balls of gas. I put an mp40 in the tank and the balls of air went away but the color turned more red and...
  11. Wagtribe

    Cheato MORPHING

    I replaced my 5 year old 75g bowfront tank with a WB180.5 and upgraded & added some new equipment. After getting my fuge up and running I installed a Tunze EcoChic 8811 light to feed my clump of Cheato and left it on 24-7; so far so good. I was already dosing NoPox 5.8mL, AFR 38mL and Coral...

    Micromussa slime

    Hi Just received a micromussa today and placed it tank…. When I came back down after 5 mins I found him in substrate…… replace him but he started sliming…… is this because he was stressed and will it recover? Will the slime irritate other corals? Thanks
  13. Reef8008

    Snot on my Rock?

    What is this? Video attached. Looks like slime or snot. Only showing up on my rock. Is this from my snails? I have about 10 astrea snails and a couple nassarius snails.
  14. T

    Slime/ mucus/bacterial?

    Hi I have just noticed some mucus looking stuff hanging off my rocks and clinging to some things. I originally set up a 29 gallon JBJ about 11 months ago and everything was going great and then it sprung a leak. I was able to manage it long enough to get a new tank, a 60 gallon ProStar. So, the...
  15. MileHighSeaLevel

    ID This Snot Please?

    Have some snot on the back glass, that's growing in an interesting pattern. It's ONLY growing on the glass, and both the turbos and nerites are eating it, so I don't think (fingers crossed) it's dinos. Some of the strings are nearly a foot long, but no bubbles. Where it's growing best is on the...
  16. Palytoxin

    Cyanobactera! (Discussion)

    Why does Cyanobacteria get such a bad rap? I haven't dealt with it personally. From what I read it creates Cyanotoxins, steals oxygen, which in itself is bad. But people make it seem like it's the biggest nightmare of their lives! I've heard it can be caused by a multitude of reasons, ranging...
  17. Nittro22

    Red coloring in rock

    I am fairly new to salt water, had my tank setup since April. I Have been getting red “slime” in my rock. It only appears on the rock against the glass and no where else in the tank. Any help on what it is or how to get rid of it. 55 gallon Crushed coral substrate
  18. VLR3

    Clear slimy blob in my tank.

    For the second time in the last couple weeks I’ve found a blob of clear slimy stuff in my frogfish tank. There’s also a painter grouper in there. Does anyone have any idea what it is?
  19. Spagz25

    White slime EVERYWHERE!!

    Hey guys first time posting in here hopefully I can get some answers as I can’t get any in my usual Facebook groups. So basically I started noticing this white “film” all over the substrate one day, I didn’t know what it was but didn’t look like it could be beneficial so I then syphoned all the...
  20. Maobea

    Brownish/Reddish Stuff

    Hi All, I've got this reddish/brownish thing that keeps growing in my sand. I stir the sand almost daily, but the next day it's back on my sand bed. It almost looks like diatoms, but I'm not sure that's what it is. My tank is a little over a year old. At this point I'm thinking either dino or...
  21. Tangina20

    Clear slime covering rocks Need help to ID

    This clear slime has covered most of my rocks over a few days time. I have a very low bioload and nutrients are all at 0. What is this???
  22. RickG

    White slim bacterial bloom

    Hey guys. So I currently have a white slim bacterial bloom that I got from dosing nopox. Wondering what you guys recommend to treat it. Currently trying to wet skim and stopped all nopox dosing. Any help will be appreciated
  23. Isaac Alves

    I need alternatives to NOPOX dosing, please....

    I have had some success with nopox but I'm starting to feel that I do not have the same control over nitrates that I may have with a bio-pellet reactor or even an algae scrubber or even a zeolite reactor. Also, time is a limiting factor and I do worry about putting nopox on a doser ---- I...