
  1. BlenniesAndTangs

    One of my bluestreak sleeper gobies are hiding! Why?

    I got 2 bluestreak sleepers about 1-3 weeks ago. Suddenly my girl sleeper (Thinking its a girl, She looks like one a lot!) went hiding. These 2 sleepers are mated, and sleep together. Yet when I try looking inside their little burrow (under a rock) the boy goby always runs back and hangs out...
  2. T

    Breeding Gold Head Sleeper Gobies

    So I got a pair of gold head gobies, not intending to breed them so soon. However, this morning I woke up and one of them was dead and there were eggs laid in a hermit crab shell. I’ve been trying to find information on them but I’m honestly not sure that anyone has had gold head sleeper gobies...
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