skunk cleaner shrimp

  1. proud-Noob-aquarist

    Build Thread Saltwater journey

  2. A

    Long Tentacle Anemone compatibility

    Hello, I’m new to the salt water side of fish keeping. I currently have a 75 gallon tank with a sail fin tang, yellow watchman gobby, royal gramma, lawnmower blenny, 2 cardinal banggai, 3 common clown fish, fire gobby, red scooter dragonet, and a skunk cleaner shrimp. I tried to research a...
  3. anabechara

    Could I help him?

    Hello there! My cleaner shrimp molted last night and today he looks like a truck ran him over... he is missing his hind legs, his antennae are wrinkled and thin and he can barely move... I have been keeping am eye on him waiting to see if he will harden throughout the day but nothing... In my...
  4. 1epauletteshark

    Which cleaner shrimp should I purchase?

    I have a small 17gallon aquarium and yesterday I went out and bought a coral banded shrimp not realizing how agressive they are and that it would eat my sexy shrimp, my question is which other cleaner shrimp should I buy? A pacific (skunk) cleaner shrimp or a peppermint shrimp? Fish plans: 2x...
  5. I

    Inverts molting

    Is it odd that a good number of my inverts all molted at the same time? I’ve found a cleaner shrimp molt, coral banded molt, and 3 hermit molts today.