
  1. W

    Torch coral losing flesh

    I am hoping that someone can provide me with some insight on this issue. My torch coral is about a week old to this tank and I have noticed some of the flesh is receding. In the pictures you can see the white skeleton showing where it is receding. Tank parameters below : Nitrate - 10 Phosphates...
  2. smittyreefs

    traveled with a new torch, need help!

    just came back from reefapalooza and flew from Florida to Arizona with my corals. All is doing well except one of the torches i brought back with me is looking a little rough with some exposed skeleton, but looks much better than when i first arrived home. should i leave it lower in the tank on...
  3. taytay_1119

    Goni and acan tissue reseeding help

    Bought these frags at a well known store in my area in an auction and they both have tissue recession. I’m new to this and was wondering if they will regrow/recover or if they’re just goners.
  4. Afkomjorgen

    Base of LPS splitting, Frogspawn and now Hammer

    Hello! Just a question to make sure I’m not missing a pest or something. My Frogspawn reached 16+ heads this spring and has looked great the whole time, but it suddenly split down the skeletal base into 2 colonies. Neither seemed bothered by the change. Last night, my Hammer of 25 heads...
  5. T

    Scoly showing skeleton help

    Hi. So I had this scoly for about almost a month now and it’s been doing pretty good until now. My tank is still relatively new meaning I started it in July. It’s going through the ugly phase now with diatoms and green algae. But I noticed the scoly has a small patch of skeleton showing...
  6. P

    Bubble Coral help - Closed up on one end

    HI, I got a big bubble coral from an LFS about a month ago, looked Happy in the beginning. Since about a week or so, one end of the coral is showing skeleton and is not opening up at all. I dont think there is even tissue on that side anymore. I noticed the skeleton also started showing dark...
  7. C

    EMERGENCY fungia plate coral lifting off skeleton!

    Green plate coral has been detaching from its skeleton over the last 1-2 weeks. All water parameters have been normal, was hoping it would go back to normal but it only looks like it’s getting worse and his mouth is now open all the time. all other corals in the tank looks to be doing great. any...
  8. B

    EMERGENCY What is this red/purple-ish color on goni's skeleton?

    Hi all, My goni was dying probably due to a faulty bottle of Phytoplankton. I believe I have already stop the dying and it is growing again. But I just notice the edge of the skeleton are turning red/purple-ish. Photo attached below, it was taken this morning so the polyp are retracted, they...
  9. G

    Bubble coral dying?

    I’ve noticed that the Skeleton on my purple bubble has been receding recently ( 1st pic ) and I’ve noticed that white circular thing with a hole in it growing below it ( 2nd pic ) not sure what that is but is it dying? I’ve already lost a green bubble awhile back and I’ve had this one for around...
  10. Afkomjorgen

    Frogspawn Exposed skeleton!

    Hello! We noticed that the skeleton is exposed on one side of our frogspawn! We got this frogspawn about 2 weeks ago. It has been looking good. Coming out every day & coloring up. We noticed the exposed skeleton today when the wave maker was on. It looks like it’s being ripped off it’s...
  11. yanni

    Is my elegance detaching off its skeleton??

    I’ve just noticed this. Elegance has lifted off its skeleton, just in this one spot. It only started happening a few days ago when clowns started attempting to host it, and my tank is only a month and a half old, so too young for a nem. elegance has been in tank for about two weeks no issues...
  12. Knawaiseh

    EMERGENCY Skeleton start to appear in acan coral frag

  13. Petrichor

    Any hope for my chalice?

    Please ignore my algae/snail buffet. Tank is a Fluval 13.5 with stock LEDs. I got a freebie chalice in a recent online order, and it did not have a good time in the mail. The water was cloudy and smelled when I opened the bag. I did a dip with Seachem Reef Dip, then a gentle rinse with tank...
  14. J

    Scoly is receding for some reason!

    Hello, My scoly that I've had for several months is starting to recede for no apparent reason. I went home last weekend, Friday morning - Sunday morning, and when I came home, it was like this. The coral isn't next to anything that can sting it I think. It is next to a tachyphylia or...
  15. JonnyTorch

    Is this a sponge on my Acan?

    Hey guys just like the title says. My Acan has new fleshy heads all over but the other side on the skeleton this white thingy popped up, it looks like it retracts and is fleshy too, is this a sponge? The other heads are growing great, some of which are smaller than that white thing. What is...
  16. K

    Frogspawn Showing Skeleton

    Hello! So my frogspawn has been doing pretty well since getting it 4 weeks ago, but now looks pretty bad. My other coral consist of zoanthids, palys, Hollywood stunner, Xenia, GSP, mushrooms, cloves, acans, Favia, and trumpets all which are doing extremely well and look amazing. I attached a...
  17. ReeferWarrant

    Candy Cane exposed skeleton/receded

    So I've had this green candy cane for 6 months, it used to have some pretty extreme polyp extension and now it just stays receded and no longer exposes its sweeper tentacles at night. I have another frag of a different kind of candy cane and it is getting massive compared to when I got it 3...
  18. Bento

    Damaged Scoly Recovery Advice

    Hey, I've just got a Scoly that has some damage/recession that has exposed some of the skeleton. I'm just after any advice in what I can do to give it the best chance of survival. I will be getting some dip in the day or so. It will be getting place in a position with low/med flow and light and...
  19. A

    Indo coral coming off skeleton

    My bf has a torch and all I know is that its indo. Not sure how to post pics, but it is coming off the skeleton and I think there's something wrong with it. I'm new to this obviously so Thank you!
  20. N

    Blasto new head or something else?

    I’ve had this blasto for almost a year and it’s doing fantastic. The one head that I got is currently splitting into to, but about a month ago I spotted this brown structure on the right growing. Is that new skeleton growing or is it something else? The first picture was right after a water...
  21. the.introvertebrate

    Nitrate Control - The natural way (Help needed)

    Excuse the long post, I am going to try and give you as much information as I can to help figure out the core of my nitrate problem and how to resolve it. My nitrates are slowly killing my corals I have 3 Trachy's and a bunch of other LPS corals which are slowly starting to show skeletons and...
  22. Thomas Wieczorek

    Torch skeleton crumpling/being eaten!?!

    I've seen a couple other posts like this one but none with clear answers I have a torch coral with the skeleton being disintegrated away. This torch is not the first lps to fall victim to this issue in my tank. I have a frogspawn that degraded all the way to the fleshy top. There is literally...
  23. DRTYshredCo

    Dying Trumpet / Candy Cane ??

    Recently I’ve been noticing my Candy Cane getting thinner and thinner, it now had it’s skeleton completely exposed. From what I’ve heard these are supposed to be dang near indestructible... my parameters read ok (outside of higher nitrates). Coral looked decent on 14 Feb & a week later (20 Feb)...
  24. C

    Help save my Trachyphyllia!

    Hi, Yesterday I noticed my trachyphyllia wasn't doing to well, everything seemed to be okay until yesterday I noticed it was either bleaching or showing skeleton. I moved it too a lower light and lower flow area of the tank so see if this helped as it had been sat in my sand below an MP10. Today...