
  1. sealed

    Nassarius issues??

    Added in a serious snail to my tank about a week ago. It immediately burrowed into the sand. I have not seen its siphon since then. I will occasionally bump it when I see its shell towards the surface of the sand to see if it’s still kickin’, which it is. why no siphon though? Too deep I...
  2. maxemorris

    EMERGENCY Accidentally Siphoned Clownfish

    While doing a water change my tiny male clownfish, around an inch, went into the siphon and traveled into the bucket. I didn’t even notice until it already happened. He is swimming fine, do you think he will be okay? Is there anything I should look for?
  3. F

    Best siphon/vacuum to physically remove sand from tank?

    I set up a 29G quarantine tank and didn't realize I wasn't supposed to put substrate in. I have 3-4 inches of Arag-Alive I need to siphon out. What should I use? I can't use my normal siphon connected to the sink because the sand might destroy the plumbing. I have 5 gallon buckets.
  4. ariellemermaid

    Help with RO tubing siphon

    I’m setting up my new tank with a fish room on the same level but separated by a wall. The best solution I could come up with for ATO was to run RO tubing up the wall, above the ceiling, down the tank wall, and into the sump. The Neptune ATK pump seemed powerful enough and it is! My problem is...
  5. S

    do you suck? (siphon jiggler)

    hey sorry about the heading... i saw this on youtube he was using a 'jiggler' to start the siphon, which seemed to be a great idea, but it's made of metal. after some research, it's used for fuel tanks etc and made up of lead or some form of metal question: would it be safe to use in the...
  6. Forsaken77

    Herbie Syphon Question

    So I've decided to hard plumb my tank instead of vinyl, which I may use a 1.25" piece out of the return pumps to eliminate noise. I have a reef ready 180, with a Trigger Sapphire 39 sump. This sump is cutting it close for backflow reasons alone. So I wanted to keep the main syphon pipe in the...
  7. BlueWorldJeff

    Tank Flow from Powerheads and Return Nozzles

    Looking to possibly upgrade my flow in my BlueWorld 180. Right now I have a Tunze 6105 on each side of the tank in the back, pointing up The program for each is complex via Apex. For some time it will do 100% on one, 30%on other, sometimes for 3 seconds, alternating, some times for 10 min as...
  8. LatinKing

    Question: Siphon or move pot to a fry tank???

    Question for experience clownfish breeder. Wondering what percentage will siphon the larvae after hatching in the same tank or do you take out the pot and move to a fry tank to hatch? Which is your preference and why? For those that siphon, please explain procedure and what materials is used.
  9. R

    quite tank with no drilling idea

    Guys, I need an experts advice on the method I am planning to do on my future tank for overflow. I am a newbie and need guidance: I am planning to go with herbie method, I have a tank that I dont want to drill, I am planning to have a tube going from main tank (placed high) to the sump with...
  10. R

    Tunze Osmolator 3155 ATO Problem

    Hello, I am having a problem with my Tunze Osmolator 3155 and am hoping I can find some answers here. Thanks in advance I feel like this would be a common problem with an easy fix. Here is the issue_ When the water is low in the sump, the Tunze Osmolator 3155 pump turns on, it fills to the...
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