
  1. W

    RODI Filter question

    Right now I am running 4 stage value 75GPD system, I want to add 2 more stages and run the Pro series cation, anion, and mixed bed from BRS. Is it that simple to add the 2 extra canisters? Will 2 stages of DI work? Im looking to remove silicates.
  2. S

    Removing Silicates

    So I have been in a discussion with a good friend about diatoms, Dino’s and silicates. Lots of info about those things in previous threads but cause of diatoms and Dino’s not really at issue here. The basic question was if DI media dwell time had any effect on DI exhaustion rate. This was...
  3. A

    WIll the clownfish be ok? help

    Heres what happened, Im fighting dinos, specifically procentrum, and I started dosing silicates. I used sponge excel, and dosed 5 drops into 10 gallons. The drops did harden upon contact with the water and turn into white flakes. I know that silicate based solutions are caustic to humans, but...
  4. 8

    What is better? Seachem PhosGuard, PhosNet, or PhosBond

    What is better? Seachem PhosGuard, PhosNet, or PhosBond? Why? All of the labels make it seem like they all serve the same purpose? Thank you!
  5. cmoore806

    ICP Silicon and molykote?

    Fluval 13.5 nano tank Up and running for 279 days at time of my ATI ICP tests. RODI Sample was perfect (everything at ZERO) Using Reef Crystals. Silicone/Silicates are high. I've used a light coating of molykote on the westside of the MP10 powerhead and I'm assuming its not water...
  6. ngservet5

    Algae Identification?

    Hi All, This algae has been appearing everyday for the past several weeks on the sand bed and I noticed it on the glass as well. It only occurs where the light is striking the surface. Note it disappears at night. It is a little stringy but comes right off. Is this Diatoms? The tank is new with...
  7. BloopFish

    Is hydrous sodium silicate fine to use for silicate dosing?

    I've been wanting to dose silicates in my reef tank and read Randy Holme-Farley's article about silicate dosing. I know that it mentions you can buy water glass solution to dose silicates, but I was wondering if I could purchase this hydrous sodium silicate powder I found online to dissolve in...