
  1. peewee5779

    Which silicate tester?

    I just bought a red fire sponge and would like to test my silicate level. I mainly see the Sea Chem and Salifert brands on Amazon both with mixed reviews. Anybody have any experience with these or other brands?
  2. A

    Coral not opening up like before and sponge problems

    My corals have been recently not opening up as big as they did before. Nothing really changed. My GSP has been suffering since sponges are growing on it, but nothing happened to other corals. I tried manually removing the sponges but they were soft and wouldn’t come off so i was afraid to hurt...
  3. dennislagoon

    To vacuum the sand bed or not when dosing silicate.

    I have been facing dinos in my Reefer 170 for more than 9 months now and eventually the prorocentrum have become the dominant one. They’re mainly on the sand bed. For about 3 to 4 months I have been keeping No3 at 5-15 ppm and Po4 at ~0.05 ppm through dosing. And adding live phyto and bacteria...
  4. 8

    What is better? Seachem PhosGuard, PhosNet, or PhosBond

    What is better? Seachem PhosGuard, PhosNet, or PhosBond? Why? All of the labels make it seem like they all serve the same purpose? Thank you!
  5. Muffin87

    Does FM Phos 0,04 remove silicates?

    I'm dosing a product to assist in sponge growth, which also requires some silicates. Will Phos 0,04 remove silicates? Does the resin have a higher affinity for silicates than for phosphates? Does it have a higher affinity for yellowing compounds, tannins than for PO4 and silicates? Thank you!
  6. Alexreefer

    dry rock leaching silicates?!

    Hey all, I have been battling diatoms for 3-4 months and they won't go away. They seem to have appeared after adding dry rock from my lfs. Could the rock be leaching silicates? Would removing the dry rock help solve or mitigate this issue? Thanks, Alex
  7. taricha

    Amphidinium Dinoflagellate Treatment Methods

    This thread is a spin-off from the @mcarroll very successful Dino thread The purpose is to discuss methods for removal and fighting against a particular strain of dinoflagellate - Large Cell Amphidinium. It seems to make up about a third of the cases of dinos. The reason this strain gets its...