
  1. nomad6

    Hammers showing signs of stress? Need help

    Got a couple of hammers showing signs of something. No changes that can be noted alk- 8.5-9 ca- 420s mg 1350+ no3- 4-8 po4 0.04-0.08 Started w one and spread and is confined to a certain area, from the pictures you can see what I’m talking about. These spots appeared over a couple of days. Was...
  2. L

    Can a fish be harmed if their dorsal fin is too near the surface of the water?

    Just wanted to know, asking for a friend :P
  3. Eaglepenguinz

    Fish sickness?

    So I just bought my fishies some brine shrimp from the LFS and I noticed the smaller clown has something dangling from it. Looks like a huge turd, but it’s brown and pretty long. I’m not exactly worried about it, since there’s been nothing new introduced to the tank in months. The peppermint...
  4. L

    Clownfish suspected internal parasite

    Hello. I've had lots of freshwater fish in the past and a few weeks ago I decided to get into a FOWLR tank. I took one of my old 15-gallon tanks and installed a surface skimmer, powerhead, heater, and aqua clear 30. I added 15 pounds of dry rock and crushed coral (each 15 pounds). I used RODI...
  5. DaFeesh

    Blenny and Royal Gramma sick

    My royal gramma and blenny were completely fine yesterday. Today, my blenny has a yellow fins but other than that looks fine, hasn't eaten, and is very weak and lethargic, and my royal gramma is acting normal (eating, swimming, playing with clownfish) but looks fuzzy, has inflamed gills, a...
  6. Imnotjakeyv

    Help identifying something on my clownfish.

    I’m relatively new to marine aquarium keeping I’ve had freshwater in my household my entire life growing up but this is my first salt tank and my first to keep by myself. I had been given an “established” tank from my neighbor who had to move and couldn’t keep the tank. After doing weeks and...
  7. J

    Purple Tang Emergency!

    So I bought my purple tang from a person selling their whole saltwater setup. After the relocation, I put my purple tang in quarantine. He started to develop ich so I dosed the tank with cupormine. He has been in quarantine for 4 weeks now and I noticed him not looking so hot. He is twitching...
  8. MSB123

    Urgent- Longhorn Cowfish Sick?

    I have a small ( about 1.5" or so) longhorn cowfish. When I came downstairs to feed him, he was stuck to the overflow and couldn't get off. I removed him, but he kept swimming up to it and getting stuck. None of my other fish (except my mandarinfish who can get off) do this. I also observed my...
Reef Chasers Aquaculture