sick eel

  1. Kyuubi

    Golden headed moray eel Sick?

    Hi so I’ve had this little golden headed moray for a few months now, and he’s eating the live foods fine (pre-quarantined Chromis, saltwater glass minnows, and other small schooling fish I’ve harvested from the ocean legally) but today I noticed bumps on his head near his eyes, is this normal or...
  2. Kyuubi

    Golden headed moray Siv

    Hi so I’ve had this little golden headed moray for a few months now, and he’s eating the live foods fine (pre-quarantined Chromis, saltwater glass minnows, and other small schooling fish I’ve harvested from the ocean legally) but today I noticed bumps on his head near his eyes, is this normal or...
  3. Kyuubi

    Golden headed moray sick???

    Hi so I’ve had this little golden headed moray for a few months now, and he’s eating the live foods fine (pre-quarantined Chromis, saltwater glass minnows, and other small schooling fish I’ve harvested from the ocean legally) but today I noticed bumps on his head near his eyes, is this normal or...
  4. S

    Indian mud eel spots???

    My Indian mud eel has these white spots randomly on it now??? They weren’t there earlier today but i just noticed them. Could it have been stung by an anemone? It’s acting normal and it ate earlier but I’m not sure what’s going on.
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