sick coral

  1. T

    CoralRx .... how often can I treat?

    Hi there, I recently had some sad looking galaxea, hydnophora, and actually lost some acros in my 40gal frag tank. A large pectinia started dying back. The torches, frogspawn, and soft corals all are fine. I did a dip with CoralRx thinking maybe it’s a parasite or infection I can’t see … then...
  2. TheHiddenReef

    Coral disease identification

    Need help identifying what this is on/happening to my frag. Parameters are ph 8.2, temp 25.5 c, 1.025 salinity, 430 calcium.
  3. IMG_0923.jpg


    Need help identifying what this is on/happening to my frag. Paramaters are ph 8.2, temp 25.5 c, 1.025 salinity, 430 calcium.
  4. B

    Does my Lobo look ok?

    Looking for some advice on my blue lobo (not sure the real name). It doesn’t look very health to me as compared to my other orange and green. Is there something wrong or am I just over reacting. I’m pretty new to corals and don’t know a whole lot. I will post a picture of my last parameters from...
  5. strawberryfish

    Is this Rhodactis bleaching, what should I do?

    Recently got a new Rhodactis from an LFS, It had fallen off the colony it was growing on in the store so they gave me a discount. It's Flesh is fairly pale but I assumed that was its just coloration, did I just buy a bleaching mushroom. It moved itself to where it is now so could it be lighting...
  6. W

    Is my toadstool sick?

    Hey guys so my toadstool has not extended itself for what feels like over a week now and I’m wondering if it’s sick? Or dying? Im not super knowledgeable on toadstool so I attached a picture, the tank is pretty newish only a couple months old so that’s also why green algae is everywhere.
  7. E

    Toadstool discolored foot. What’s wrong with it?

    Any advise from people more experienced? Thanks in advance!! So I’ve had this guy for like a month now and it’s been looking sad and droopy all the time. A couple of weeks ago the base of the foot started discoloring to white. It was faded into the purple but now it’s got a brown ring separating...
  8. kdtorgy

    Help ID sick coral

    Can someone please help identify the greenish (sorry I'm colorblind) coral that is fallen over. I think it's some sort of leather coral but I'm not sure. Every few weeks it tips over and usually goes back to normal within a day or so. I've had it over a year and the water parameters have been...
  9. AZ1424

    Fighting an Unknown Pathogen - Help Requested

    Hey R2R Community, I have been dealing with an unknown pathogen for months now and have lost nearly 50 specimens to it. I am now turning to this community for help. The main corals that succumb to the disease are Zoas and Acans but Fungia, Duncans and now most recently an Acantho are effected...
  10. John.Thompson

    EMERGENCY Clear slime on Favia?! Just stressed and irritated?

    Recently put a few coral into my new tank. It was cycled and all stats measured great. A “perfectly” adjusted tank. This morning on about day two, the Favia has this clear slime and opened up?? Does this look like a soon to be dead coral or nothing to worry about?! All other coral seem to be...
  11. S

    Is he gone?

    My Galaxia just recently started looking like this. Is it a definite goner?
  12. E

    Please help ID these white spots on my hammer.

    Any idea what this can be on my hammer? I thought it may be growing more heads but I don't think that is it.
  13. 208Reefer

    EMERGENCY *HELP* Acanthophyllia not looking happy

    I have 2 acanthophyllias, one looks very happy and the other doesn’t. I moved the unhappy one because it started losing color around the mouth so I was worried it was getting too much light. It’s been a few days since I moved it but now it’s not eating and the mouth is open from time to time...
  14. Herides

    Trachyphillia Dying? Flesh turning brown and white and decaying?

    This is the current state of one side of my poor trachy. I got him about 2 weeks ago and on the day after successfully acclimating, inflated like a balloon, ever since though he's been pretty tight to his skeleton, and now it's gotten so bad I think I can see skeleton and I'm seeking help. I've...
  15. LAA

    What’s wrong with my coral!? | Plz help!

    I recently purchased a few corals for my 20 gallon reef tank. One of them is a green acropora. I have had it for a little more than a week and at first it seemed to be doing great. But recently it has started to lose a lot of color and looks kinda pale. If anybody knows what wrong with it and...
  16. E

    Unhappy Acanthophyllia

    I have three acanthophyllia in my Red Sea Peninsula 500 (132 gal). Two of them are very happy and healthy. The third one seems to be sick. It sometimes inflates but this is getting less and less frequent. Most of the time it is pretty shriveled up and sad looking. It still east reef roids but...
  17. ariellemermaid

    Sick Coral Help and Nitrate Management

    Could really use some advice on a struggling coral and general nutrient management from the #reefsquad. Background: Picked up a nice seriatopora screaming green that has been our favorite coral so far. It thrived in QT for 76 days and grew quite a bit. Parameters were never a problem, but it...
  18. kkircher

    Help hammers and frogspawn keep melting

    Help needed. In the last 10 days I have lost 2 hammers, an octospawn and currently a frogspawn. They have all showed the exact same symptoms. They retract for half a day then look like they pumps start to disintegrate and then polyps bail out. I have not seen any brown jelly. I have...
  19. Unnatural


    I just got some corals I ordered online. A few of them look pretty pathetic. They were shipped overnight, but even still when I opened the box their water was very cold, and the heat pack with them was also cold. The one im most concerned about is a Xenia I believe. See pictures> it looks like...
  20. madisonmajhen

    Blasto closed and won’t open again

    Hello, I purchased a Purple Blasto from the LFS which opened after a few days. All was well and good in the universe. Then I decided to target feed the corals Reef Roids one day, and my Fire Shrimp attacked the coral and ripped the food out of his mouth. I thought ok, he’ll heal in a few days...
  21. B

    help with dying corals

    Hey fellow reefers, I have had my tank setup for just about 2 years as fowlr, i have had many issues im dealing with already such as cyano or dynos, aiptasia, slow coraline growth, loosing 90% of fish from ich, dyno toxins, or overall bad water quality. I have since done several large water...
  22. T

    Polyp has red marks and looks sick

    Noticed this about an hour ago, water is testing pristine, 1.024/1.025 not sure what this is, it’s about a week old from LFS, yet to epoxy to rock. Thanks for any suggestions or what this is and how/if treatable. Don’t want it spreading!! Thank you
  23. nanoShearer

    Help! Toadstool Coral dying

    Hello, Everyone! I've had this toadstool coral for about a year now. About 4 or 5 months ago, I moved it from my nano tank into my 75 gallon. about 2 or 3 weeks ago, it started developing a hole. I wasn't too concerned since the coral seemed happy. I just assumed it was splitting. But now the...
  24. nanoShearer

    Bubble Coral Turning Brown

    Hi, All! I bought my bubble coral a few months ago from my local fish store. It had been in the store for months without an issue, but now I've noticed that parts of it are turning brown. It started out as a few spots, and I was hoping it was just stress from adjusting to a new tank. But it...
  25. Ejostling

    Zoas dying

    Has anyone had a Zoa colony do this? It looks like the polyps are melting and turning brown. I have looked carefully for pests and visually there is nothing to see. They are just slowly melting away. Any advice on how to save them?
Tropic Marin USA