sick clownfish

  1. A

    First clownfish...brook or bacterial?

    Hi all, this is my first post here (been waiting to make a build post). I'm looking for some help with a possible diagnosis. My first saltwater tank has been cycled for a little over a month now. Last weekend I added my first two clownfish. They are pretty small but one is bigger than the...
  2. X

    EMERGENCY Sick Clownfish

    Hi! My clownfish has been acting a bit weird he is just parking in one corner of the tank, time to time, he swims to the bottom or the top of the tank in that same corner, he is eating well, and he is not having any trouble breathing, does not have any visible ich or velvet. But I don't know I...
  3. X

    EMERGENCY Sik Clownfish?

    Hi! My clownfish has been acting a bit weird he is just parking in one corner of the tank, time to time, he swims to the bottom or the top of the tank in that same corner, he is eating well, and he is not having any trouble breathing, does not have any visible ich or velvet. But I don't know I...
  4. S

    New Reefer in SD

    Hello, I’m new to reefing and have been absorbing tons of info on this site. Thank you to all who share your experience for us newbies! Unfortunately, I have had my tank for about 60 days and 1 of my clownfish is struggling and would appreciate any advice! Pictures attached. It’s the larger of...
  5. R

    Clownfish has strange white markings and not eating.

    Hey guys, New reefer here and I just bought a clownfish about two/three weeks ago. Last week he stopped eating for two days and I gave him a freshwater bath plus dosed the tank with prazi. He ate the next day but went back to not eating 24 hours later and then I saw him poop white. I gave...
  6. B

    Help, Clownfish don't look good!

    I need some help! I got 2 clownfish that look to have caught something. They both seem to be eating still and swimming around the tank fine but their body color and coats look off. They are my first two fish I got along with a hectors goby. I added all three of them to the tank about two weeks...
  7. SaltyShel

    EMERGENCY Maroon clown

    Please help me my maroon clown has white stringy poop the Tank has been going down hill for a while and I’ve been trying to fix it but there’s a lot of issues. I have a brand new tank I’m trying to put him in. There’s nothing in it and I want him to go in there. I took him out of the ******...
  8. F

    Fin rot Saltwater Aquarium

    Hi, About 1.5-2 weeks ago I noticed my juvenile male angulatus wrasse losing some parts of his tail. I thought it was normal as he was a young fish and I know they are constantly changing. I thought it was fine until last Friday (8/19/22) I noticed the same happening to my Black Ice Longfin...
  9. Soey

    Does anyone know what this black dot is on my clownfish?

    Hello. I recently got this clownfish about 2 weeks ago and noticed this black dot near his tail today. any feedback would be appreciated! Thank you!
  10. Soey

    EMERGENCY Help! Got a pair of clownfish, one is stuck at the top of the tank and is always sideways. Not sure what to do.

    Hello. I got a pair of clownfish for a 13.5 gallon tank yesterday, and one of them has been acting strange since I got him. One of my clownfish is really active and loves swimming around the tank, and eats his food. The other is always sideways and is just opening and closing his mouth. He is...
  11. sunnysophie

    Clarkii Clown with Mystery Disease

    Hello everyone! Long time lurker here. I have a female clarkii clownfish that has been sick for a LONG time now. It’s been at least 1.5-2 months of symptoms with no serious development. I called the LFS and they were not helpful, I’m surprised she’s still alive. She floats near the top, has...
  12. K

    Clown Fish not doing well

    We got a new pair of Clarkii Clowns today and we brought them home and they were acting fine at first. They ate during feed time, were swimming around the whole tank. We did a water change this morning before they went in. Just recently they started acting really strange, laying down on the...
  13. Baileyton_Reefer


    (Black clown in video) Captured from residential tank on 02/06/22 Since Day 1 of observation period: - always swims vertical in the corner - Cannot close it’s mouth - hole in the side of it’s mouth - breathing fast - swims upside down during feeding time when the flow is off… Fish has been in...
  14. S

    Clownfish resting on substrate, normal or reason for concern !!!

    Hi and Happy Holidays to you all. I'm new to saltwater and never had clownfish. I started the journey 3weeks ago. Set up the tank 13.5gallon evo with live sand, dry rock an seeded with Dr Tims and added the ammonia. 1week later 90% water change and added (2) clowns and biospira. Noticed...
  15. M

    EMERGENCY Dying clownfish

    My fish is pretty pale. I've done a check on the parameters and everything is okay. Ammonia 0, Nitrate 0, Nitrate 0. It's odd that everything is reading 0... my ph is kinda on the high side since I have a cleaner shrimp. It's 8.4 about. I got the shrimp 4 days ago if this makes a difference...
  16. G

    Clownfish acting funny

    Hello I would like some help. Also I am new to this salt water tank thing! I love it so far but man it’s hard compared to fresh! Excited to be a part of this community. I have a 55 gallon tank. 2 months old. FOWLR. Currently have two Bangnaii Cardinals and chromies. And they have been healthy...
  17. starghost-out

    EMERGENCY Clownfish, staying near sand bed (certain spot) and breathing heavy occasionally. Please help identify the cause if you can. Videos linked.

    Hi, I've had my first clownfish, two of them, for 3 weeks now. Nitro and Nissan. I dosed prazi, metro, and have given both clowns melafix since getting them, as Nissan was injured from being housed with aggressive fish previously and I was nervous about parasites. Nitro, the smaller clownfish...
  18. T

    New clownfish acting weird

    So I just got 2 Clownfish 3 days ago. 1 is very active and swimming all over, the second is just barely swimming and staying on the sand. It doesn't look bad, but I'm not really sure what to look for, maybe a little off color... Parameters are pH 8.0, Ammonia 0.0,Nitrite 0.0, Nitrate 0-5, temp...
  19. djm

    Clownfish acting strange

    Hi all, I’ve had my ocellaris for almost 3 months, all has been going well but today his behaviour has been very strange. His mouth has been moving rapidly and he almost seems in a daze. All morning he has been hiding under part of my rock work and has only ventured out this evening. He’s not...
  20. Humble_Reefer

    Sick Da Vinci Clownfish

    Our new clownfish isnt looking so good (see youtube vid). We got her from a reputable breeder 3 days ago and she has been eating little, her breathing has become more labored, and she is less and less active. We were trying to do tank transfer and she is currently in a 2.5 gal with pvc pipe and...
  21. ilokee16

    EMERGENCY Sick clownfish! First saltwater tank

    Merry Christmas everyone! I’m new to saltwater tanks and impulse bought a 14 gallon with 2 Ocellaris clownfish on december 20th, now one of the fish seems to be sick. My Lfs gave us 10 gal of water from one of their display tanks and told us that we could add fish right away, so we got a...
  22. BrieFoster

    Ocellaris clownfish mouth open, not eating

    I need some help/advice. I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns together, only fish in their tank which they have been in for almost 2 years together, nothing new has been added, no anemone, no change in foods, water parameters are well within the norm. My female is not doing great, her mouth seems...
  23. M3d1C

    Clownfish dying?!

    I just found one of my 2 snowflake clowns down on the sand bed breathing really heavily. I kind of poked at him with my net and he swims likes he's drunk. My cleaner shrimp does the same thing, starts messing with him and he gets this little burst of energy but doesn't swim productively at...
  24. Santiimari

    New Tank owner - Is my Clown sick?

    **Edit- link to clown video Hi guys- cycled a 30G tank for a month. Got two clownfish on Sunday. Did a water change Thursday. One clown spit out all his food, and he’s little so I thought it couldn’t fit in his mouth, I crushed it up and he would take little bits. Went back to the store I...
  25. K

    Unknown clown behavior

    On 11/18/19 one of the two clownfish we have in our nano tank started to act differently. Nothing has changed in the tank in the last month since having them. Parameters: Temperature - 78.3 Salinity - 1.024 PPT Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 2 ppm PH - 8.2 Symptoms: - Heavy breathing -...