sick clown

  1. Aqau_Dude

    Clownfish Suddenly Sick Maybe Dying

    Hey Everyone, My clownfish which has been in my tank for almost 5 months now suddenly was sick this morning. Normally it swims around but today i found it agains a rock verticaly almost like it was dead. I've put it in a acclimation box for a bit but it was heavy breathing and rotating like it...
  2. maxemorris

    Clownfish has white spots and cloudy eyes- is it ick?

    I added pictures of my female semi-storm mocha clownfish. What do you guys think the problem is? How should I treat it? This it started as soon as I had brought her home from a new fish store. My lfs originally told me to add Melafix, which I did, but it came back and I feel as if it has...
  3. fladventurerob

    Clown looking sick

    My clown fish all of the sudden seems to have fluid build up, and whitish appearance. I have no idea what I should be doing. She's about 10 years old. The rest of the tank looks healthy. Salinity was slightly low 1.022 but I corrected it after I saw this. Does anyone have any suggestions fore...
  4. Jess89264

    Clownfish Diagnosis - Red inflamed spot on fin

    Rescued this little guy from LFS, he was beat up badly and owner did not seem concerned ('JUST GLAD TO HAVE FISH DURING THE PANDEMIC!" - quote) ! - Slight overbite to assuming from inbreeding. I have him in my QT / Hospital Tank on Myxazin for his fins. I noticed this red spot on him - any...
  5. M3d1C

    Clownfish help please!!

    Okay, I'm attaching a video, unfortunately it's only 30 seconds cause of space limitations on my phone. The ocellaris down in the corner has been acting "strange" to me. I'm really hoping I'm just being paranoid but it has been doing this periodically for a couple days now where it just sort...
  6. Imnotjakeyv

    Help identifying something on my clownfish.

    I’m relatively new to marine aquarium keeping I’ve had freshwater in my household my entire life growing up but this is my first salt tank and my first to keep by myself. I had been given an “established” tank from my neighbor who had to move and couldn’t keep the tank. After doing weeks and...
  7. M

    Clownfish ich?

    Dear reefers, Yesterday i was looking at 1 of my clowns and i sawe somenthing odd, there are really small white dots on his side. I cant rembember that he had the white spots from te beginning. i've been looking at his behavior but he acts normal and eats well. I dont know if it are white...
  8. Colenew1

    Clownfish has some sort of rot/infection

    Hi! I have a clownfish with a rotting patch near its anus, I noticed his fins are splitting a bit. I introduced a second clown last week from a different fish store and it died within 2 days I’m wondering if it transmitted its disease to this one! he’s eating fine but seems a bit lethargic, my...
  9. D


    So I put in 2 clowns yesterday to my tank. one did not make it because he was sick and the reef store said they would give me a new fish and the other has a cloudy eye and discoloration on his lip. please help
  10. R

    ClownFish in Very Rough Shape

    (please dont hate if this is in the wrong section I wasn't sure where to put it) so I got this clown by accident (long story) and after a a day it developed clouded eyes, I think this was because the 2 clowns already in my system were bullying it. so I moved the clown into qt and started...
  11. RicordeaFreak

    ocellaris clown, white stringy poo, lethargic, not eating

    Hello R2R community! I’m running into a problem with a sick clownfish that I’ve had since 7/8/17. Aquarium size = nuvo 10 Set up on 4/6/17 We purchased a designer “flurry” clown on July 8th and brought him home from the LFS. He swam around like crazy and seemed to act like a normal clown...
Reef Breeders